You could feel like approaching the issues that are important to you in a pragmatic and analytical way today, which might be because it may seem that your rational mind is better able to map out a plan that will work best for you. Even though logical thinking can go a long way toward helping you make decisions, you may also wish to find a balance between an approach based on critical thinking and one based on your intuition. While you use the pragmatic part of your mind to consider your options today, you might wish to then close your eyes and ask yourself if your ideas are the best course of action. You may notice a physical sensation, such as a sense of openness or crushing, in your chest. Reflecting upon your deeper feelings could point you in a direction that is aligned not only with what you think is right, but also with what is best for the deeper part of your being.

Using both our rational thoughts and intuitive sense allows us to make choices that are the most positive for us. It can be easy to disregard our inner feelings when it comes to important matters and to instead rely on our thoughts to guide us -- thoughts which can often talk us out of the best course of action. By listening to your mind, heart, and soul today, you will access all the parts of yourself that will lead you along the most fulfilling path.