Unexpected good news will likely please you greatly today. You may be surprised to hear that you are in line for a promotion at work or that a loved one has been the recipient of a financial windfall. The amazing announcement that comes to you via the grapevine may be emotional in nature, such as the joining of forces of two important people in your life. Because you will likely be caught off guard by this happy news, you may not know how to respond. However, collecting your thoughts can be as easy as taking a moment to determine what you are really feeling. If you allow yourself time to adjust today, your reaction to bombshells will likely be uniformly positive.

The pleasure of life's little surprises lies in their ability to catch us off guard and to remind us that there are many blessings still to come. When we are surprised, the unexpected joy we feel acts as a potent antidote to the daily grind and encourages us to remember that we cannot always predict what is lying in wait for us. Our expectations of the future are thus indelibly changed, as we understand that even our grimmest prophetic visions may be interrupted by positive circumstances at any time. Conversely, we are motivated by this notion to strive for excellence in every aspect of our lives because we also know that we are equipped to influence fate in our favor. The pleasant surprises that come into your life today will lift your spirits and add a spot of joy to your experience.