You may feel anxious and worried about your plans today. Perhaps you are coming up against seemingly insurmountable obstacles as you pursue your goals, or you might be struggling with inner limitations that keep you from moving ahead. You may want to consider whether you are blowing your fears out of proportion and allowing tension to erode your confidence. If you take some time to focus on releasing tension today, you should be able to think clearly and see your situation objectively. One good way to release tension is through physical activity. You could take a brisk walk outside to burn off some excess energy or turn on some upbeat music and dance away your anxiety. If you also follow this exercise with a calming meditation session, you should feel refreshed and cleansed of all worries.

Releasing tension through physical activity clears our minds and frees our creative insight to help us work through challenges more objectively. Anxiety can often create a vicious cycle, feeding upon itself and keeping us mired in negative thinking. If we consciously break this cycle by releasing tension through brisk activity and soothing our minds with calming meditation, we are able to let go of negative thoughts and welcome in the clarity to work through challenges productively. Our new mind-set ultimately encourages feelings of determination and confidence that can help us move our plans forward again. Your challenges will seem to shrink in size today when you make an effort to let go of your tension and anxiety.