Sunday, May 31, 2020

Cancer Horoscope: Exploring Early Conditioning

Exploring Early Conditioning

May 31, 2020

You may have a desire to reflect upon the deeper influences in your life today. You might be thinking about your early experiences and seeing connections in how they affect your present circumstances, or you may be working to overcome limiting beliefs you adopted years ago. This reflective mind-set is also good for identifying and replacing unproductive habits that may also be the result of childhood conditioning. If you pause to consider that everything from your eating and exercise habits to your relationship with your body and others in your life may be echoing experiences you've carried within since childhood, you should be able to work through long-buried emotions and release limiting behaviors. Engaging in a period of meditation to connect with these old memories today can call forth insights that will help you transform your habits.

Exploring the subconscious source of our habits can free us from detrimental conditioning and provide the awareness and initiative to form healthier habits. We are often unaware of the ways our early conditioning continues to affect our current behaviors and habits until we take the time to explore the reasons why we do things the way we do. While it can be challenging to change long-ingrained habits, once we have the awareness of what got them started we are better able to let go of limiting beliefs and forge a new path toward health, wellness, and happiness. Your reflective mood can be a powerful tool in releasing limiting patterns and embracing a new, healthy way of living today.

DailyOM Course Spotlight

Be Abtastic in 7 Days

by Sarah Rector

A strong core isn't just the ultimate accessory for the beach -- it mobilizes and balances your upper and lower body, protects your spine, and creates a stable foundation for every activity you do. With this course, you'll be guided through a series of seven 15-minute ab workouts that are suitable for any fitness level. You'll start with simple movements working with your own strength resistance to get those core muscles activated, then you'll build on that every day with more progressive movements. The workouts are fun and challenging and fly by, so even with a super busy schedule, all you need to get those beautiful sculpted abs is 15 minutes of effort a day.

Learn More

Top 10 DailyOM Courses

1. Tone and Tighten Your Tummy
2. Shedding Your Menopausal Middle in 10 Days
3. 7 Weeks to Self-Love
4. How to Heal the Mother Wound
5. Fit and Fierce Over 40
6. Write. Heal. Transform: A Magical Memoir Writing Course
7. Go Sleeveless in 14 Days
8. Chair Yoga for Healing, Strength and Mobility
9. Dancer's Legs in 14 Days
10. Pelvis Reset for Lower Back Pain

New Courses

Ayurveda for Immunity
Faster Fitness Over 40
Beneficial Stretches for the Inflexible
Why Good Things Fall Apart

> More Courses

Write. Heal. Transform: A Magical Memoir Writing Course

Write. Heal. Transform: A Magical Memoir Writing Course

by Madisyn Taylor

Writing helps us increase our self-awareness and also offers deeper insights that lead to both healing and transformation.

Dear Friends,

We all have a story to tell, whether we think we have lived what is considered an 'exciting' life or not. It is important to remember that, at some point, everyone has a life experience worth putting on the page. For many people, it is only through the action of writing that the healing of any emotional wounds can begin. My interview today is with DailyOM course author Diana Raab, Ph.D. about her inspiring course, Write. Heal. Transform: A Magical Memoir-Writing Course.

Course Overview
Life is complicated--and getting more so every day. When confronted with trauma, life transitions, or epiphanies, how do we navigate those challenges and turn them into opportunities for healing and transformation? For many of us, the answer is journaling. Writing offers a feeling of empowerment and facilitates the healing process, pulling us through difficult times. Of course, we cannot erase our history, but we can reflect, and examine our experiences as a way of better understanding them, how they've contributed to who we are today, and what our future might hold. Writing encourages us to reflect on our innermost feelings, thus helping to create an all-encompassing feeling of harmony and peace of mind. Be inspired to share the story only you can tell. Utilizing means of soulful and creative expression, this course will introduce you to the magic of memoir writing. You will learn about the power of writing to heal and transform, how to get into and stay in the writing zone, how to cultivate self-awareness, how to find your voice, how writing heals and transforms, the challenges of memory, tips on examining your life, how wounded healers become storytellers, the challenge of writing about difficult times, finding focus in a memoir, tips for writing a compelling memoir, how to identify the memoir's focus, and how to begin structuring your memoir. Finding your voice and sharing your truth will not only help you make sense of your life and possibly help you heal, but it can also enable you to focus on what's most important to you, and help you determine your reason for being--which ultimately leads to a profound sense of contentment.
  • Receive a new lesson every week for 8 weeks (total of 8 lessons).
  • Have lifetime access to the course for reference whenever you want.
  • Select the amount you can afford, and get the same course as everyone.
  • If you are not 100% satisfied, you may request a refund.
How much do you want to pay?


This is the total amount for all 8 lessons

Interview With Diana Raab

Madisyn Taylor: How can writing help to heal and transform us?

Diana Raab: This is a big and very important question. When we're navigating challenging times or grappling with tough decisions, we all have our own ways of surmounting what seems insurmountable. There are those who seek the assistance of a psychotherapist, while others might request the advice of a trusted friend or relative. Journal writing is yet another way to achieve clarity and answers. It is a mindful practice, a way to give voice to one's feelings and thoughts. It's also a way to reclaim one's voice after being silenced. Many journal keepers view their journal as their confidant and best friend.

The act of writing also allows for the release of stress and can bring immediate comfort. Sometimes journal entries stay as mere entries, but other times they become the building blocks for a future memoir. Writing a memoir is healing because we look back and examine our life-changing or pivotal experiences to see how they've transformed us. We begin by recounting our experiences and then incorporate reflection into our narrative, using our current-day lens. This can create a new narrative, and in the case of trauma or other psychological and physical challenges, it can help to shift our perspective. Writing helps us increase our self-awareness and also offers deeper insights that lead to both healing and transformation.

Sometimes memories from our past experiences become blurred, and writing can help us organize our thoughts. This can lead to deeper understanding of events that have transformed us and start the healing process.Along with healing comes transformation. Transformationhas to do with a dramatic change for the better in your overall sense of well-being, thus leading to a harmonious state of mind. It entails being aware of, facing, and accepting responsibility for your thoughts and feelings. Writing is a powerful tool for going deep into that process. The idea of writing for transformation is about setting out on a new journey for yourself, almost like packing your suitcase to visit a new land. It's about being alert, mindful, and aware of your innermost feelings, while using your senses to express yourself. For example: What do you feel? What do you see? What do you hear? What do you sense? What do you smell? What touches you? Sometimes when we look back at our lived experiences, it's easier to see them in the grand universal spectrum of life rather than as isolated events.

MT: In your course, you offer tips for getting into the writing zone. Every writer I know, myself included, can have trouble getting into the zone. Talk to me about this.

DR: This is a very big concern, and all professional writers have their way of getting into the creative zone. There are a number of things that can help. I believe it's important to have rituals prior to writing. Different ones work for different people, and you may have to see what works for you. Before sitting down to write, I also suggest engaging in a centering ritual. Each lesson in this course begins with a short, guided meditation to ground the student. Other rituals that can be used include playing gentle music to assist with concentration or drinking a cup of tea or coffee -- in other words, something that sends a signal to the brain that it's time to write.

It's also a good idea to try to write every day, keeping in mind that it doesn't have to be the same project that you're working on. For example, you can write in a journal or write a letter, poem, essay, or your memoir. The important thing is to keep the words flowing. If you think of the act of writing as a muscle, then you'll understand that to stay in shape, you need to exercise that muscle regularly.

MT: Speaking your emotional truth and finding your authentic voice is so important in memoir writing but can also be very difficult. What do you teach students that struggle with this issue?

DR: You're right. This can be challenging. It's important to point out that the authentic voice and emotional truth are different. Your authentic voice is your true and compelling voice. It's your real voice, the one you use when sitting across a table at a restaurant with a friend, sharing your story. On the page, the authentic voice is easy to read because it's easy to follow. If you're having difficulty finding your authentic voice, you might want to try reading your work in front of a mirror or speaking out loud while you're writing. If something feels off, then maybe you're not using your authentic voice. Sometimes people try to add flowery or big words to make them sound smarter or more intellectual, but when writing a memoir, this isn't necessary. The important thing is that your story sounds like you; plus, you want it to resonate with your readers.

Another way to tap into your authentic voice is to place a photo of someone who means a lot to you on your desk. For example, if you were very close to your grandmother, perhaps you'll want to write as if you're speaking to her directly.

Writing your emotional truth means tapping into what comes from your heart, not just from your mind. The emotional truth in your memoir is the crux of how you feel about what happened to you. We each have our own emotional truth, even if we've gone through the same experience with someone else. It's important to listen to the messages of your heart and not write what you think others want to hear. Instead, write what your heart is telling you. While writing, try to say to yourself, "Here is how I see it," or "This is how it happened to me." For your memoir to resonate with others, it's a good idea to visualize readers walking side-by-side with you. Try to provide as many details as possible. What is not said can be more harmful and more confusing than what is said. Writing that is not written with emotional truth is often not compelling. It has little energy or vitality. It might sound like journalistic reporting and not a memoir, a genre where feelings and reflections are very important. As you write the narrative of the memoir, it's also important to share universal truths, which comprise wisdom and forms of awareness that unite us as humans -- what readers can truly relate to.

MT: Tell me about the homework you offer in this course and how it will help students.

DR: Each of the homework assignments relates to some aspect of writing a memoir. Many people who are compelled to write a memoir often tell me that they've had such an interesting life that they can't decide what to write about first. My homework assignments help memoirists focus on those transformative or pivotal moments that have had a lasting impact on their lives. A transformative moment is one that changes the way we look at things or people and evokes strong memories and emotions. I suggest that people write about the experience that holds the most energy for them at the time of writing. The writing assignments encourage a great deal of reflection. I also guide students to get into the writing zone or the mood of writing. This is sometimes very challenging for those who are trying to carve out time to write their memoirs in the midst of their busy personal and professional lives. My writing exercises help students identify what inspires and motivates the practice of writing and teaches them how to tap into those channels of energy where creativity resides.

MT: In lesson seven you teach about "what to include" in your story as well as "what not to include."

DR: For some people, this can be a very challenging part of writing a memoir. For the first draft, I recommend including everything, to the best of your knowledge, and to write without editing. You can think about editing during subsequent drafts. That is, in that first draft, just let it rip. While it's important to include details of your story as a way to make it vivid to the reader, it's really only necessary to include details that move the story forward. This will keep your readers' interest. In other words, all the details should pertain to the focus or theme of your memoir.

The other issue that sometimes arises during the memoir-writing process is being concerned about sharing private or hurtful information about others. It's impossible to write a memoir without writing about other people, but I suggest you write first and edit later. If you're uncomfortable with your portrayal of others in later drafts, you can choose to revise or remove these excerpts, especially if you're considering publishing. Some writers also change the names of the individuals involved for the sake of protecting their privacy. Others might decide to wait to write a memoir until the individuals in question have transitioned. These are choices only you can make. There is no right or wrong. It's what feels comfortable to you as you're the one who needs to live with your decision.

MT: I would love to hear about some of the responses you have received from this course.

DR: The responses to this course have been quite meaningful. Many people say they were surprised about what emerged from their subconscious mind during the writing process. There were a lot of answers unleashed for them. For example, they might have started writing about one thing but ended up writing about something else. This is one of the most wonderful aspects of the writing journey -- the surprises that emerge along the way.

Some people say they're also surprised by how much writing my prompts elicit. They just write and write and write. Most often, it's a matter of just beginning. Some have said that they've felt magic emerge during the writing process, and this has been life-changing for them. Others said that they felt a memoir brewing inside of them, and this course was a great kick-start for that process. One particular student said that for 20 years she's wanted to write her memoir. She had registered for a number of courses but didn't get very far with them. She decided to tap into DailyOM and was immediately drawn to this course. After the first lesson, she said she was so glad to begin here and that she felt the magic awaiting. She expressed gratitude for the inspiration and wisdom that this course has offered her.

Many of my students have been journaling for a long time and suddenly felt compelled to write a memoir but didn't know what to do with the entries or how to begin writing, and this course helped them do just that.

How Does It Work?
Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every week for 8 weeks (total of 8 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Free Gift
As a free gift, when you sign up for this course, you will also receive the award-winning DailyOM inspiration newsletter which gives you daily inspirational thoughts for a happy, healthy and fulfilling day. We will also let you know about other courses and offers from DailyOM and Diana Raab that we think you might be interested in.

Get Started Now
We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

How much do you want to pay?


This is the total amount for all 8 lessons

Thank you, Diana, for taking the time to speak with me. Writing is such a powerful way to express ourselves and help heal the parts of us that remain in pain or hidden. Diana is a wonderful and gracious teacher, and I encourage all of my readers to begin writing. Until next time.

Be well.

Madisyn Taylor
Cofounder, Editor-in-Chief

For more information visit:
> Write. Heal. Transform: A Magical Memoir Writing Course


DailyOM Course Spotlight

Be Abtastic in 7 Days

by Sarah Rector

A strong core isn't just the ultimate accessory for the beach -- it mobilizes and balances your upper and lower body, protects your spine, and creates a stable foundation for every activity you do. With this course, you'll be guided through a series of seven 15-minute ab workouts that are suitable for any fitness level. You'll start with simple movements working with your own strength resistance to get those core muscles activated, then you'll build on that every day with more progressive movements. The workouts are fun and challenging and fly by, so even with a super busy schedule, all you need to get those beautiful sculpted abs is 15 minutes of effort a day.

Learn More

Top 10 DailyOM Courses

1. Tone and Tighten Your Tummy
2. Shedding Your Menopausal Middle in 10 Days
3. 7 Weeks to Self-Love
4. How to Heal the Mother Wound
5. Fit and Fierce Over 40
6. Write. Heal. Transform: A Magical Memoir Writing Course
7. Go Sleeveless in 14 Days
8. Chair Yoga for Healing, Strength and Mobility
9. Dancer's Legs in 14 Days
10. Pelvis Reset for Lower Back Pain

New Courses

Ayurveda for Immunity
Faster Fitness Over 40
Beneficial Stretches for the Inflexible
Why Good Things Fall Apart

> More Courses

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Cancer Horoscope: From the Heart

From the Heart

May 30, 2020

You may feel like motivating and encouraging others today. Your desire to offer guidance could be a result of your open and caring nature. You could find that others are drawn to your positive nature and are willing to trust the advice you give. While you may find that your advice comes easily, you may need to be cautious when offering suggestions. Perhaps you could try to support others with help that comes from your heart and not from your rational mind. As you talk to others today, take a few deep breaths and silently tell yourself that you are centered and willing to let the universe speak through you. Pay close attention to the information you receive through your inner guidance and allow that knowledge flow through you. You may find that when wisdom comes from your heart, the advice you have for others tends to be more powerful.

Listening to our hearts when encouraging others helps us provide them with profound guidance. So often our minds have the tendency to overanalyze what we want to say, which can lead to us giving good, but not necessarily inspired, advice. When we stop and let our inner voice provide us with insight, we let the wisdom of the universe speak to others through us. We act as a conduit for divine wisdom rather than as the conductor of information. Speak what comes from inside of you today, and the wisdom you offer others will benefit them greatly.

DailyOM Course Spotlight

Faster Fitness Over 40

by Sadie Nardini

For many men and women in their forties and beyond, finding the time to get next-level lean, toned, and defined can be challenging. However, there's a new fitness solution that can enable anyone, at any fitness level, to experience how 15 minutes of working out the right way can achieve the same results as 2-4 hours at the gym. Led by DailyOM fitness pro, Sadie Nardini, you'll be guided through a series of highly effective Faster Fitness routines that will work every muscle in your body simultaneously to build strength and muscle definition, head to toe, and enable you to achieve a total body transformation by moving smarter, not longer.

Learn More

Top 10 DailyOM Courses

1. How to Heal the Mother Wound
2. Shedding Your Menopausal Middle in 10 Days
3. 7 Weeks to Self-Love
4. Fit and Fierce Over 40
5. Write. Heal. Transform: A Magical Memoir Writing Course
6. Go Sleeveless in 14 Days
7. Chair Yoga for Healing, Strength and Mobility
8. Dancer's Legs in 14 Days
9. Pelvis Reset for Lower Back Pain
10. From Self-Destruction to Reconstruction

New Courses

Ayurveda for Immunity
Faster Fitness Over 40
Beneficial Stretches for the Inflexible
Why Good Things Fall Apart

> More Courses

Tone and Tighten Your Tummy

Tone and Tighten Your Tummy

by Sarah Rector & Jacqui Justice

4,469 people have taken this course

If you are looking to get a stronger, more toned mid-section, look no further. A toned core doesn't just make a great pair of jeans fit better, it also improves overall body stability and relieves lower back pain. In this highly effective 10-day course, we have worked with two of our top selling experts to design a comprehensive program that will tone and tighten the core with a targeted combination of exercise and nutrition. The exercises will engage and activate the entire mid-section, the delicious recipes and dietary tips will fight bloat and reduce inflammation, and you will see and feel a big difference inside and out.

Target Bloat and Tone the Mid-Section
Your fitness journey will be led by popular fitness trainer, Sarah Rector, who will guide you through a series of short and easy-to-follow tummy-targeting workouts every day. Combining standing and mat-based exercises, you'll learn how to firm up your tummy using a variety of movements ranging from low-impact moves with slower controlled techniques with bursts of cardio to raise your heart rate and burn calories. These workouts are designed to be suitable for any fitness level, so if cardio isn't for you -- no worries -- there are plenty of alternative moves that will still give you an amazing workout and suit your capabilities. During the daily exercises, you'll be taught how to feel your tummy muscles engaged and activated through effective mindful practice. Plus, in addition to flattening your tummy, you'll also improve body stability by strengthening your core, relieve any lower back pain, and enhance your confidence.

To help you achieve the most optimum results, nutrition expert Jacqui Justice will share her highly effective nutrition plan and show you how to say goodbye to bloat-producing and inflammatory foods and hello to a tighter, de-bloated mid-section. She'll educate you on all the surprising foods that can have a negative impact on your digestion, causing distress in the form of gas, bloating, and intestinal inflammation. You'll also get lots of targeted nutrition advice and tips, delicious recipes aimed at flattening the belly, and much more.

What is included in this course:
  • 10 daily tummy-targeted workouts suitable for any fitness level.
  • Expert guidance on how to isolate, activate, and strengthen specific tummy muscles for the tightest results.
  • Daily sample menus with delicious recipes for healthy meals and snacks that won't cause bloating.
  • In-depth analysis of the common food intolerances known to cause bloating and water retention.
  • Targeted nutrition advice with a comprehensive summary of the best food choices for a flatter, less bloated mid-section.
Who should take this course:
  • Someone who is looking for a holistic fitness and nutrition solution for losing belly fat and bloat for good.
  • Women who want to strengthen, tighten and tone their core muscles.
  • Anyone who wants to tighten their tummy area, eat delicious food, lose weight, and feel better from the inside out.
  • Those looking for a delicious and healthy eating plan and recipes designed to beat tummy bloat.
  • Anyone who enjoys working out in a fun, motivational atmosphere.
Let's get you on your way to a tighter, more toned tummy in ten days -- starting today.

What Others are Saying

"I LOVE HER! I have had several personal trainers over 15 years and Sarah is awesome. And not even in a gym! Naysayers think this doesn't help. It does!" -Susan

"All I can say is WOW. Sarah is an amazing instructor!" -Kathleen

"Sarah is a fantastic trainer! Very encouraging and her voice is so sweet." -Jill

"I haven't done any exercise like this in ages - I really like Sarah, she is very personable." -Judes

"Sarah You Rock! Thanks for being you and sharing your gifts with the world." -Cynthia

"Just love Sarah's style and manner. Makes it a pleasure to work out." -Tanya

"I just finished the course, and I enjoyed it very much! Sarah taught me to work muscles the proper way, which of course brings much better results." -Heather

"Amazingly easy to follow! The name alone put me in the right frame of mind! Removed that "Ugh! I'm dreading this" feeling I've gotten from every other diet plan. This is hip, fun and the recipes are delish! Very upbeat, inspiring and motivational - and best of all... it works!" -Anita

"This program has changed my life!" -Toni

"I cannot begin to convey how delighted I am with my results on this program! My belly bulge is significantly decreased, my energy level greatly increased, I've lost 9 pounds in 3 weeks, and I can wear my skinny jeans again!! Hurray!!! I've made so many positive changes in my food choices and I feel terrific! I'm sold on this program. Thank you Jacqui!" -Jenny

"I've seen myself lose and gain before. However, Jacqui steered me to a healthier diet and a changed mindset. Processed foods (and their chemicals) are gone; I have spinach in smoothies, buy chia seeds and my cookie jar holds assorted green and herbal teabags. A cocktail or a decadent dessert when out socializing is a special treat. I've lost 40 pounds - 5 more than the goal. My reachable goal is now to lose another 7 to 10 pounds, but I'm already on my lifelong goal to stay the course. So grateful that I took a chance on this." -Nora

"I've been on every fad diet on the planet! For the first time I feel that this is a plan I can live with. I'm not hungry and my energy level is steady all day. I've even started exercising. I'm so happy that I gave this a chance." -Patricia

About Sarah Rector
Originally from the UK, Sarah is an OMFIT personal trainer, and professional dancer and model currently living in Los Angeles. Her vast fitness experience teamed with her love and talent for dance has given her the passion and drive to get everyone up and moving, and she aims to make every workout extremely fun and upbeat.

She leads classes and is a personal trainer at boutique fitness studios in LA, and guest teaches at large fitness events for numerous well-known brands such as Propel Water, The Thirty, and Sweaty Betty. Sarah has also modelled for Reebok, active apparel wear brand Varley, and other popular apparel brands in London and Europe. Her passion is to motivate, energize and get the best results--both on the inside and the outside.

About Jacqui Justice
Jacqui Justice holds an M.S. and C.N.S. in Clinical Nutrition, as well as, a certification in Functional Nutrition. She has been in private practice since 1996 with offices in the NYC area. Jacqui co-hosts a weekly radio talk show and has been featured in various publications and a guest on many local and national radio and television talk shows.

Jacqui specializes in Weight Loss Resistance and is passionate in her belief that success is dependent on adopting the proper mindset. "Our minds and our bodies are intimately connected - you cannot make your body achieve what your mind does not believe". Her technique is the heart and soul of all her weight loss and wellness program.

How Does It Work?
Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 10 days (total of 10 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Free Gift
As a free gift, when you sign up for this course, you will also receive the award-winning DailyOM inspiration newsletter which gives you daily inspirational thoughts for a happy, healthy and fulfilling day. We will also let you know about other courses and offers from DailyOM and Sarah Rector and Jacqui Justice that we think you might be interested in.

Get Started Now
We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

How much do you want to pay?


This is the total amount for all 10 lessons

For more information visit:
> Tone and Tighten Your Tummy


DailyOM Course Spotlight

Faster Fitness Over 40

by Sadie Nardini

For many men and women in their forties and beyond, finding the time to get next-level lean, toned, and defined can be challenging. However, there's a new fitness solution that can enable anyone, at any fitness level, to experience how 15 minutes of working out the right way can achieve the same results as 2-4 hours at the gym. Led by DailyOM fitness pro, Sadie Nardini, you'll be guided through a series of highly effective Faster Fitness routines that will work every muscle in your body simultaneously to build strength and muscle definition, head to toe, and enable you to achieve a total body transformation by moving smarter, not longer.

Learn More

Top 10 DailyOM Courses

1. How to Heal the Mother Wound
2. Shedding Your Menopausal Middle in 10 Days
3. 7 Weeks to Self-Love
4. Fit and Fierce Over 40
5. Write. Heal. Transform: A Magical Memoir Writing Course
6. Go Sleeveless in 14 Days
7. Chair Yoga for Healing, Strength and Mobility
8. Dancer's Legs in 14 Days
9. Pelvis Reset for Lower Back Pain
10. From Self-Destruction to Reconstruction

New Courses

Ayurveda for Immunity
Faster Fitness Over 40
Beneficial Stretches for the Inflexible
Why Good Things Fall Apart

> More Courses