18,140 people have taken this course

Why do most clearing methods, though well-intentioned, fall short of helping people clear for good? Why is it so hard to simplify our lives and care for ourselves? Why are we so overwhelmed?

It took course author, Stephanie Bennett Vogt, twenty years to break the code; to answer these questions and field-test them. The result is a conscious distillation of space clearing, mindfulness, and Kaizen: the Japanese concept of small steps leading to big changes through continuous improvement. Blended together, these principles work to release physical, mental, emotional, and energetic clutter - from the inside out.

Instead of "attacking" the stress and "getting rid" of the stuff, as most methods teach, this course will help you work more gently to release the underlying causes - the patterns, resistances, attachments - of anything that holds you back. One minute of "slow drip" clearing morphs into more minutes, less effort, and less baggage. The result? A clearer home, a quieter mind, a calmer nervous system, more ease, space and light--and a lot more happiness.

At the heart of this course is a virtual "Camino" of clearing. Every day for 365 days, you'll be guided through a series of Five Steps to Spaciousness ("Five S's") which build one upon another to shift the way you act, think, and feel. For good!

Whether you're a newcomer to this clearing process, or a returning participant eager to experience a "Year 2 Clear," here is what you'll experience when you give yourself this gift of a year:
  • Slowing down: Ease into new ways of being that feel really good and last.
  • Simplifying: Tend your home, lighten your life, and experience big changes that come from taking small steps.
  • Sensing: Tune into the transformative effects of energy, light, and beauty that abound.
  • Surrendering: Step up your game by stepping back and letting go of attachment.
  • Self-Care: Nourish body, mind, and spirit; set clear boundaries and be your own best friend and advocate.
Featuring inspirational wisdom, stories, journal prompts, daily practices, and occasional audios and videos, this course will give you all the practice tools you'll need to press the refresh button in your life; to turn down the noise in your head and turn up the light in your life.

With this powerful course for clearing space, you'll:
  • Take a year off just for you - a well-deserved nourishing sabbatical that fills up your reservoir, feels really good, and lasts a lifetime.
  • Peel away more layers of stress and stuff (than you even knew you had) - one gentle day at a time.
  • Experience the spacious magic that has been hiding in plain sight, just waiting to reveal itself.
What People Are Saying About This Course

"I cried this morning as I read the final lesson as I don't want it to end. This has been more than just a study course for me. It has become a friend, a mentor, a guide, an ally. A supportive, loving, grounding voice that reached out to me through the miracle of a smart phone...I am profoundly grateful to have found this gem one year ago, when I was depressed and hopeless and lost. My heart is full of gratitude for this gift." -Alice

"Day 365. I wondered...Would I stick with it? Would I feel different? Would the shifts be noticeable? Yes. Yes. And yes. I also wondered how I would feel about it ending. That's the biggest ah-ha. Rather than feeling a sense of completeness or conclusion, I'm filled with a sense of just beginning. It's like being handed a tool box where I recognize some of the tools & even know how some are used." -Amy

"Day #365 - Wow! Finished the whole year a second time... I'll decide when I get back [from my trip] whether I'm doing a 3rd year. I probably will - it's part of my morning routine. (Generally I believe in Not Messing With What's Working Well.)" -Robert

"I can honestly say my life is lighter, more unfettered, more spontaneous, more relaxed and fulfilling. I am happier than I have even been...I feel there is no more striving to do, now it is just to allow myself to be, and to love being alive." -Flo

"Stephanie gave me some valuable tools that I can use daily as I'm walking down the street, or waiting for a bus that bring me back from the whirl of thoughts and emotions in my head. I feel more able to think, speak and feel my feelings with more awareness than before and to recognize when I am reacting to my inner "clutter" rather than being in the moment." -Grace

"I am nearly at the end of my first year. Can't believe how happy I am. I have been able to experience the subtle shifts that were promised, and without even noticing I have opened, and flowered, and am definitely at peace. Thank you, thank you!!! I plan to start the whole year course over when I am done." -Harry

About Stephanie Bennett Vogt

Stephanie Bennett Vogt, MA, is a leading space clearing expert, teacher, and author of five books. She brings forty years of teaching experience to help homes and people come into balance.

She has taught her inspiring clearing programs at centers worldwide and is the creator of several bestselling courses on DailyOM which have attracted over 200,000 participants.

Stephanie is best known for her game-changing and transformational approach to clearing - a proven method that releases the underlying causes of clutter, stress, struggle, and overwhelm... for good. Her unique perspectives on slowing down, simplifying, and self-care also appear in The Huffington Post, and in two book anthologies with Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff, Dr. Joe Dispenza and others.

Besides teaching, Stephanie loves tending her home, cultivating simplicity, and using her camera to discover beauty in the every day.

How Does It Work?

Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 365 days (total of 365 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Get Started Now

We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

How much do you want to pay?


This is the total amount for all 365 lessons