You may feel envious of others' blessings today or simply indulgent. If you feel deprived or depressed, you may find yourself in an impulsive mood that leads you to make unnecessary purchases. While you may think that buying new clothes or luxury items can make you feel better, overspending, eating too much, or avoiding your responsibilities may actually make you feel worse. Approaching everything you do today with an attitude of moderation could empower you to take pleasure in life's multifaceted extravagances without needing to overindulge your appetites. Consider cooking a rich dish that you love and balancing your delicious feast with a bout of exercise. You may want to save your change throughout the day, and use the money you put aside to buy yourself a treat.

When you enjoy all that you love in moderation, you can lead a varied and stimulating life that is both satisfying and conducive to your well-being. Feelings of deprivation can make us lose control and overindulge our appetites until what was once fulfilling to us becomes detrimental for us. Moderation represents a means of achieving balance in all aspects of our lives. In living moderately, you shun extremes. This allows you to derive the maximum pleasure from what you choose to engage in because you are doing so in healthy and enjoyable ways rather than from compulsion. You'll get the most out of the choices you make and instinctively know when you've had enough. Enjoying everything in moderation today will help you mindfully satisfy your desire for indulgences.