You could feel more daring today, meaning you are more likely to take risks. It might be that you realize change is inevitable and that courage and planned risk-taking is something you need to propel you forward in life. Knowing that you have the power to alter some aspects of your life for the better may help you stretch the limits you have previously set for yourself. Perhaps you can consider what you would most like to change in your current situation and set goals to follow through on your plans. If you do happen to feel uncertain, you may want to remind yourself that although change can be uncomfortable, the benefits of doing something different greatly outweigh the fears, for you will most certainly learn new skills and develop parts of yourself you may not have known existed.

Taking risks allows us to go beyond our comfort zone and encounter new challenges that contribute to our development as people. Entering into uncharted territory enables us to expand our notion of what we are able to do and in turn, helps us expand our view of the world. If we begin to see our lives as a series of learning events that bring us to a great understanding of ourselves and our place in the world, then taking risks becomes an integral part of our lives. Instead of avoiding risk, we move toward it. Using your courage to change your life today will infuse your life with fresh energy and greater means for growth.