You can increase your understanding of the individuals in your environment today by listening consciously to the information they share with you. An attentive mood can compel you to not only take note of the words you hear but also to study the body language and tone of voice of the people who engage you in dialogue. This alertness can help you perceive the unspoken message underlying the surface-level conversations in which you participate. Your ability to sense sincerity may give you the ability to respond empathetically rather than logically. You may discover that you can easily relate to the emotional states of the troubled people you speak with today and that you instinctively know what to say to ease their minds.

Listening carefully and consciously to those who choose to share details of their lives with us allows us to get to the root of their words by analyzing their gestures and tone of voice. We access our empathetic minds when we take steps to be truly attentive during dialogues. Since we actively tune in to the emotional state of our conversational partner, we can offer responses to their questions and concerns that are marked by clarity and compassion. Little escapes our notice as we are highly capable of reading the subtexts concealed in a speaker's phrasing. We are thus empowered to perceive and appreciate the greater meaning behind what we hear. You will feel a deeper connection with the people you speak with today because you are willing to grant them the whole of your attention.