Affectionate feelings may have you demonstrating your love and appreciation to those in your close circle today. Your adoring mood is likely to generate similar feelings in those with whom you share your adulation. When we love and nurture others, our positive energy comes back to us, so it is never a wasted effort. The beauty of sharing love is that it only multiplies in the giving of it, while our capacity for receiving it is never reduced. You begin by being the loving one, but you soon become the beloved as well. But we don't need to confine such feelings to those who are closest to us; we can show appreciation to the people who help us as we go through our days. Whether it's the person who makes our coffees, handles our bank transactions, or answers our phone calls, we can treat that person as a dear friend or a member of our extended family. We can contribute to this cycle of giving and receiving by generously bestowing love, affection, and appreciation today.

When we express love and caring, the world comes alive. Relationships grow closer and stronger, animals respond positively, and even plants thrive under the light of love. When we look at the world through the eyes of love, we experience a deeper connection with the most powerful life force. We can sense the flow of love emanating from the trees and in the song of birds. Love, in its myriad forms, is what drives and inspires us all, so share some from our limitless supply to brighten someone's day today.