The strength of your convictions could make you feel firm and resolute in your decisions today. Having a strong feeling about something might mean that you feel confident in what you believe in and are not afraid to articulate your thoughts. Perhaps you should consider what ideas are behind your determination and explore how they impact your life. You could, for example, make a list of the different areas of your life--such as family, friends, career, hopes, and spirituality--and write a brief statement of belief under each one, trying not to censor or judge yourself. Taking some time to reflect on each category could make you more aware of the patterns that govern your life and help you to see which convictions work best for you and which may be more limiting.

Knowing what we accept as true for ourselves and how this impacts our lives allows us to shape the tenor of our life. Unless we are consciously cognizant of the ideas we have, we might be holding onto something that hinders rather than helps us. There is nothing wrong with having a strongly held opinion on something, but it is ultimately better for us if we come to our opinions through introspection, examination, and reflection. Reflecting on your beliefs today will open you up to the world that exists inside of yourself and will let you see how your beliefs manifest themselves in the world around you.