You might feel hesitant about making choices which could make you approach things with greater caution today. Maybe this reluctance might be due to something that has happened to you in the past such as a mistake based on an ill-conceived idea which has made you afraid of repeating the same misstep. Since you will never know the outcome of your decisions, you can try to keep in mind that by not making a choice, you are in fact making a decision – inaction, and this insight could strengthen your resolve and give you confidence about the options you have as they present themselves to you. As you examine the choices that you have today, you can then ask yourself what might happen as the result of each – seeing both the potentially positive and negative outcomes. Assessing your alternatives in this way could let see that often a well-prepared action is better than inaction.

Being decisive means that we are able to evaluate all the opportunities we have and then having the courage to act upon them. When we feel uncertain, it is often the result of our fear that we will make the same mistake again – a fear that can cause us to stop in our tracks and remain exactly where we are. But, because we have the wisdom of the past to guide us, we have the ability to take the initiative and do something in a completely different – and often transformative way. Using both hindsight and courage will help you feel confident about the choices you make today.