25,973 people have taken this course

Many of us want to develop a regular exercise routine to relieve stress and feel lighter, clearer, and happier...if only we could find the time in our busy schedules.

Now you can jump-start your day (and your life) with a powerful 4-minute workout that you can enjoy in the comfort and privacy of your home, apartment, or hotel room when traveling. This is the same efficient routine that Dan himself has done each and every day for the past 27 years, at home or on the road.

The Peaceful Warrior 4-Minute Workout encourages real and sustainable weight loss and a renewed sense of well-being. You'll feel less stress, more energy, and improve your overall fitness. Its power lies in its simplicity because it's brief, easy, and fun, you're far more likely to make it a part of your life.

If you haven't found time for regular exercise, the benefits of the 4-minute workout can be dramatic over time. And if you already have an active lifestyle, the workout provides a perfect body-mind warm up for daily life.

In each lesson, Dan coaches you, step-by-step, with each new movement and breathing pattern, until you've mastered the complete 4-minute routine. Improve your strength, suppleness, coordination and balance. Develop the body and spirit of a peaceful warrior every day of your life!

Benefits of this program
  • Encourages real & sustainable weight loss
  • Invigorates entire body
  • Releases stored tension
  • Increases vitality
  • Frees blocked sexual-creative energy
  • Enhances coordination
  • Contributes to improved rhythm and timing
  • Stimulates release of energy
  • Improves balance and coordination
  • Contributes to improved posture and more youthful presence
  • Enhances self-trust and spontaneity
Imagine accomplishing all of this in just 4 minutes
  • Gently stretch the spine
  • Open ribcage and expand lungs
  • Relax tensions of jaw, neck, and shoulders
  • Invigorate and free movement of upper thorax
  • Benefit internal pelvic organs
  • Prevent atrophy of lower spine (associated with aging)
  • Free movement of the pelvis
  • Aid digestion
  • Invigorate entire musculature
  • Increase power of legs
  • Improve flexibility of spine and legs
  • Strengthen shoulders, wrists
  • Increase flexibility of upper and lower spine and hips
  • Strengthen lower and upper abdominal muscles
  • Strengthen entire back
Actual course participants share their experiences

"All I can say is wow! The heart rate dropping, the flow, plus the energy I have has been amazing!" - Soozi

"This workout is amazing. I have been doing the full workout for about 5 days now and it has made such a difference to me. As an aspiring Body Mind Master and athlete, this helps me leaps and bounds." - Michael

"I am now doing the workout every morning as the very first thing I do when I get out of bed. I love it and I get so much from it, it gets the blood flowing, kicks the mind and heart into gear as well as helps me shake off the cobwebs. I also complete it again during the day to help with stress or if I am feeling a little stiff from too much time at the office desk. Highly recommend it." - Sandra

"I love it! What a great start of the day!" - Kinga

"It is just what it says: 4-minute Peaceful Warrior...and Dan's voice is just like therapy. Instantly I got up and started to do the movements with Dan and now I have found what I wanted all through the years. Just Four Minutes and Peaceful!" - Vashty

"I'm two movements in and it already makes me feel energized!" - Harlequin

"Just finished learning this workout. I've got to tell you this is a good exercise to learn. After I completed it in the morning, I feel energized. Learning this workout has given me the confidence to learn other workouts." - Ben

"I am in love with this workout. I do it in the morning when I get up and it gets my blood going. I especially love the way I get to stretch my muscles and get my joints moving." - Nancy

"I love these moves. They help me to focus, slow down and feel grounded." - Tina

About Dan Millman

Dan Millman, a former world-champion gymnast, coach, martial arts teacher, and college professor, is the author of 15 books read by millions of people in 29 languages, including the spiritual classic, Way of the Peaceful Warrior (and "Peaceful Warrior" movie with Nick Nolte). Dan speaks worldwide and has influenced leaders in the fields of health, psychology, education, business, politics, sports, entertainment and the arts.

How Does It Work?

Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every 2 days for 30 days (total of 15 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Get Started Now

We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

How much do you want to pay?


This is the total amount for all 15 lessons