You might be acting in elusive ways in order to avoid confrontations today, which could make your actions and words seem evasive to others today. Since conflict can be uncomfortable, skirting around the issue may be a way for you to create harmony with others. While there are definitely times when it is important to think about your feelings before expressing them, it is also essential to remember that not dealing with your emotions openly and honestly can cause just as much discord. Perhaps today you can instead write down beforehand what you know you need to say and set the intention to express it at some point during the day. If you approach your situation not as one ridden with tension but as a way for you to create a greater sense of harmony in your environment, you may find that this task becomes easier.

Being straightforward allows us to pave the way for a greater amount of agreement with other people. Even though it may seem that circumventing something can ease the stress of any given situation, it, in fact, increases it for others do not have any real idea of what is on our minds and in our hearts. Our communication may not go perfectly, but the more honest we are, the more apt we are to come to a mutual understanding. Letting your real feelings be known today will help you avoid any discomfort in your interactions and make it easier for you to strengthen your relationships.