You might feel a wish to spend time with others today. Your warmth and hospitality could be the result of your desire to become closer with your friends. Perhaps today you might consider entertaining those you care about in your home. You can make an effort to create an inviting and warm place where others can congregate, which would be a great way to foster a greater sense of community. In particular, sharing a meal together can provide an opportunity for you to draw closer with others and create an environment of mutual support. You may want to keep in mind that your intention to offer a way to meet in a healthy milieu can be so much more powerful when it comes from a place of love and care.

Inviting people into our lives can be a great way not only to demonstrate our friendship but to also show the depth of our affection for them. It can be so easy to literally shut out those we care about, especially when we are caught up in the tangle of our own lives. Opening ourselves to others begins when we let people in. This is easily done by inviting others over to share good conversation or a meal. We will find that gathering together in an informal setting allows us to relax, laugh, and maybe even cry and that this helps us form deeper bonds with each other. By sharing part of your life today, you will develop a greater connection to those you love and care about.