You may feel hesitant or unsure today, especially if circumstances are leading you to question your capabilities. Perhaps you have a major project you are taking care of, and you are unsure of whether you have what it takes to get the job done. Maybe you have the opportunity to take on some new responsibilities in your personal or professional life, and you're wondering if you are ready for the challenge. Deciding that you are capable and ready to take on any challenges may be all you need to boost your confidence. You might also want to erase your doubts by taking action now. Once you see that you are up to the task today, you'll have no reason to worry.

We can become more confident in our abilities once we take action. Action can sometimes precede thought, and when we act, our thoughts tend to naturally fall in line. We come to appreciate just how capable we are when we see ourselves planning for and tending to our tasks and responsibilities. Our success inevitably leads to greater self-confidence, and any doubts we had automatically fade away. We can then draw enthusiastically upon our strengths and resources to aid us in our next mission. See to projects or new responsibilities today, and you will gain the confidence you thought you were lacking.