The discretion with which you listen to the people you encounter today can help you prove your trustworthiness. As you are likely in a diplomatic mood, you may feel little need to share others' secrets with those who approach you for confirmation of confidential information. The individuals most important to you will no doubt come to appreciate your tact, and they may even grow increasingly comfortable confiding in you as a result. You can honor the faith others place in you today by abiding by it when you feel tempted to let slip those secrets that seem comparably unimportant.

Your discretion is precious in that it allows you to serve as a confidant to those who care about you even when the information you receive could be valuable to you in other ways. Many people find the temptation to tell others' secrets too strong to resist and lose loved ones as a result of their unbridled gregariousness. We can be sure that we do not suffer a similar fate by endeavoring to be as trustworthy as possible when we find ourselves on the receiving end of revelations concerning our relatives or friends. Though we may ardently wish for an opportunity to unburden ourselves on another, we should always be cognizant of the fact that the faith of our loved ones lies at the heart of the secrets with which they have entrusted us. Your diplomatic and discreet approach to information passed in confidence will help you live up to the trust others place in you today.