Now is the time to learn meditation - newsletter and online courses on DailyOM today

Dear Friends,

Welcome to the beautiful month of May and happy May Day! If I could, I would send each of you a basket of daffodils and tulips in honor of the return of spring.

Each month we have a theme, and this month it is meditation. Recently, during my book tour for Unmedicated, I had the opportunity to open some of my events with a short meditation. During this experience I've witnessed people before the meditation looking a bit hesitant, maybe a bit anxious, wondering what my talk would be about. After the meditation, when I look out at those same beautiful faces, they are much softer, their shoulders are dropped, and everybody is much more present and grounded. This is the gift of even a very short meditation.

When I speak about meditation, I see some faces seem uninterested and maybe a few eye rolls. People tell me they just don't see the importance of it or how it can actually help, and it still scares some people. They think it is something hippies do or that it goes against their religion. I calmly explain that meditation is simply emptying your mind, clearing the clutter so that when we go through our day there is more room for the good stuff. Everyday life doesn't rattle us so much because we can always come back to a place of feeling peaceful by simply remembering our meditation session from earlier in the day. I often wonder why the entire world doesn't take just a few minutes a day to meditate. Can you imagine the world we would live in? Less road rage, more kindness.

Below are four courses I have selected to help you on your way to a more peaceful life. They are yours to keep forever and can be worked at your own pace.

Meditation for Beginners by Madisyn Taylor. This is an eight-week course by me that will cover all the basics for beginning meditators. I teach many different types of meditation so you can pick one that works for you. I also teach about preparing your meditation space/area, postures, and how to turn off your active brain. Come and explore all aspects of meditation with me--it will change for your life for the better!

The Peaceful Warrior 4-Minute Meditation by Dan Millman. This online course consists of 16 lessons that are given every two days for 32 days total. Our friend Dan is a former world champion athlete and author of the very popular book Way of the Peaceful Warrior. Dan's course is comprised of written content, audio, and short contemplations.

60 Meditations for Greater Happiness by Gina Lake. In this 60-day online course you will receive a new short meditation in both written and audio form and set to music. Learn what it means to be truly happy, how to free yourself from suffering, and what interferes with happiness.

How to Stay Calm in the Midst of Chaos by Jan Lundy. This is an eight-week online course where you will receive a new lesson each week along with three audio "inner peaceful practices" to help stay centered and serene. Learn how to dramatically reduce your anxiety, fear, and worry; and how to calm yourself when life upsets you.

Thank you, friends, for taking the time to read about meditation this month. I hope you find a class that appeals to you, and if you already practice meditation I hope you find a course that can help deepen your practice. Enjoy this lovely and sweet time of year, and I'll see you back in this space with another personal note in June.

Be well,

Madisyn Taylor