You could feel combative today and find yourself engaging in arguments with others. You might be challenging people's viewpoints, which could cause them to feel irritable or become defensive. If you can take some time to explore your contradictory feelings today, you might discover an unacknowledged issue that is affecting your actions. Perhaps you feel angry about something and you are letting it seep out into your interactions with others. By focusing on your feelings and figuring out their underlying cause, you will be able to work through your emotions and release them so that they no longer get in your way.

Exploring the reason for our powerful emotions can help us to deal with our feelings and then release them in healthy ways. Our thoughts and feelings can affect us and our relationships in a myriad of ways. When we begin to speak harshly to ourselves or others, we can feel sure that there are emotions bubbling beneath the surface that need to be addressed. Once we begin to explore why we feel the way we do, we can usually find a way to work through emotions and release them so they aren't bogging us down or affecting our lives in a negative fashion. You can break the cycle of aggression and conflict today by simply going inward and examining your feelings.