The remarks of other people may affect you emotionally today. Perhaps your sensitivity is due to your desire to avoid any feelings of discomfort in your interactions. Understanding that what others say may often have more to do with what is going on inside of them rather than what you do could make you feel less vulnerable. Should you notice that you are easily upset by another person today, you might try to picture yourself as an outside observer to the interaction. As you do this, you can think about what is going on in the other person's life. Maybe they have their own issues of sadness, anger, or fear to contend with that makes them more inclined to make insensitive remarks. Changing your perspective in this way could not only help you feel less hurt but might also increase your feelings of compassion for the other person.

Finding another way to look at our reactions to others allows us to see that there may be more going on beneath the surface than we originally thought. When others say things that are inconsiderate it is often because they are simply trying to express their internal feelings to us but are doing so ineffectively. Learning to not react to this lets us see that instead of being reactive, we can be proactive by extending a hand of empathy to them. By recognizing what is happening in your interactions today, you can use your sensitivity to enhance your relationships and infuse them with care and consideration.