You may find that you are avoiding arguments today. Others may look to you to mediate their disputes, and you may feel hassled because you are being pulled into conflicts that have nothing to do with you. You can ease your feelings by practicing detachment and thinking rationally. Instead of getting upset, take a few steps back mentally and center yourself with a few deep breaths. You can also physically remove yourself from a situation if you need more distance today. Taking on the role of impartial observer to avoid getting caught up in other people's turmoil can be helpful. You can then offer solutions from an objective perspective.

By learning to calm our emotions and engage our rational thinking process, we can see conflicts from a wider perspective and come up with effective solutions. Though most of us tend to get emotional during disputes, we can learn to step back from our emotions and use logic to deal with conflict better. Emotions tend to cloud our judgment, and becoming too involved in a situation prevents us from seeing it clearly. Rational thinking allows us to view all sides of an argument. We are then able to make wiser decisions that benefit us and others in the long run. You can ease any disagreements you encounter today by making an effort to put your emotions aside and use the power of rational thought.