63,044 people have taken this course

Are you over 40 (or any age & want to workout smarter, and not harder)? Would you like to be done with your workouts in less time than it takes to check a couple of emails each day? And do you want all of this to give you the results as if you've done over an hour of BOTH yoga and a strengthening, toning, tightening cardio-type exercise at the gym? I'm Sadie Nardini, a bestselling DailyOM course creator with 20 years of experience helping people look and feel fit, fierce and more empowered in far less time. I'm also 45 years old, and no one believes me. More importantly, though, I'm strong, fit, and happy.

My husband caught me getting ready on the road. This is an unfiltered pic.

Also, you should know that I'm lazy. So I don't like to spend my precious time working out for more than 20 minutes a day, max, but I want it to give me the results of an hour of going to the gym, and doing yoga, at least. Science says it is absolutely possible, not only for me, but for you, too.

Staying Strong and Youthful

I look and feel more fit and healthy, inside and out, than I did when I was 20. I have unlocked many secrets to staying strong and youthful that I will directly share with you in this course. I also have a ton of time on my hands now since my workouts work better in 20 minutes than they used to in 2 hours. I'll teach you exactly how to do this too. Since I'm an expert in both exercise science and yoga, I put the two together to make you the first-ever program that gives you the benefits of doing 60 minutes of yoga AND the benefits of a 60-minute cardio gym workout--in 20 minutes--or less (this course is a multitasker's dream).

Here's what you'll get in this Fit & Fierce Course:
  • Your life back---no more spending hours getting presentable, getting to the gym or yoga class and then spending a longer time than is necessary to exercise if you don't want to. You won't have to!
  • 21 Days of energizing, guided Yoga Shred style fitness workouts, with a different fun and empowering focus each day. You'll build your core, booty, arms, legs, and more--more quickly. It's as if Crossfit and Yoga had a baby--you're going to love how quickly these transform you.
  • Exclusive Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga Warm-Up and Cool Down sequences to balance your fitness practice and help you learn and progress in yoga too.
  • The cardio health, muscle definition, fat and calorie burn as if you've done an hour of strong exercise--in just 15-20 minutes.
  • More balance, alignment and joint safety than most other yoga or gym classes (I'm also an anatomy expert).
  • Whole-body re-shaping and stabilization to keep you more injury-free as you age. Great for any age!
  • 21 Daily Inspirations to keep you motivated and gain the next-level confidence it takes to become even more fiercely YOU.
  • 21 Fit & Fierce Recipes--these are delicious, nutritious and super simple creations you can use to get twice the benefits from your program. Made for us exclusively by @FitGirlTreats, you'll even get donuts--that detox you. It's awesome!
  • 3 Weekly Restorative Sequences: for better Detox, Digestion and Sleep. After all, working smarter means you get to take days off to deeply stretch, and restore your whole system for more results.
  • Daily 5-Minute Writing Meditations, Sitting Meditations and Simple Breath Techniques to help you discover your truth, invigorate your energy, and even sleep better, tonight.
  • The options to do as many--or few--of the sections as you want. As long as you do the movement, and eat pretty healthy--this program will work for you!
  • All 21 workouts, and all techniques and recipes are yours to keep, and return to anytime you want.
  • Do this course for 21 consecutive days, or in your own timing. Make it yours.
  • Even when you've completed the course, you'll have lifetime access to revisit your favorite classes or inspirations anytime you want to!

With this course you will:
  • Transform your body in just 20 minutes a day--or less, focusing on whole-body strength, definition and balance.
  • Learn new moves that are accessible for people of any level who also have an active lifestyle.
  • Gain a cardio workout and muscle-definition each day that yoga alone won't give you!
  • Discover how to reveal more confidence and self-value than you've ever had, using yoga philosophies and techniques in your real world.
  • Strengthen your mind so it works for you, and not against you--you'll likely sleep better, worry less and know how to switch on your peace and happiness more on command.
  • Study with a top anatomy expert to make sure you're moving the most safely for the best results.
  • Learn 21 blueprint recipes that can show you the road to eating to support, not sabotage your efforts. Hint: even 'healthy' foods can keep you sluggish, bloated and tired. Learn how to tell the difference, and enjoy eating for both true health AND taste.
  • Challenge yourself to bust plateaus with my progressive workouts!
  • Get your time, money and life back even more--you can skip the yoga studio or gym and get more results at home--in 15-20 minutes, start to finish, instead of the 2 hours it usually takes to go work out elsewhere--for fewer results.

Who should take this course?
  • People who want an exciting, fun, and more effective way to work out.
  • Those without major injuries who are either used to working out moderately and/or doing strong basics yoga classes and up, who want to up their game & maintain and grow their strength and stamina as they age--at any age. NOTE: If you have a lot of major body limitations and cannot work out, or need a gentle or therapeutic style, this is not for you! There are modifications and you can do things your own way, but the pace is faster, and you will want to build up to this if, say, you are unable to climb stairs or get on the floor easily. Try my Yoga for Beginners Course on DailyOM if you want to build up to this.
  • Those over 40 who would like a strong role model for fitness, inspiration, fierce & healthy lifestyle and empowerment.
  • Anyone interested in crafting a yoga and fitness program that actually fits into a busy life with ease.
  • Crossfit and HIIT or gym-lovers who want to get similar benefits in less time, and who also want to cross-train, stretch and detox with yoga.
  • Yogis who want to cross-train and get more cardio, fast-twitch muscle activation and superhero stamina from cross-training their on-the-mat practice.

What People Are Saying

"Umm...it's only been 21 days and I just lost weight and now have biceps, triceps, abs and a butt--from less time than it takes me to do my eyeliner in the morning. What. Is. Happening? ~Stephanie, 54, Michigan

"Thank gosh for science...and you, Sadie!!! This program taught me how to eat in a way that finally doesn't bloat me or cause me pain. The exercises are stellar--but I'm here for inspiration, self discovery, and a diet that fuels me for life. I got SO much more than I paid for. Infinite gratitude." ~Alyson, 40, Idaho

"Sadie! I didn't believe this could work, but doing your 20 minute sessions each day are now something I can't live without. This is the first time I feel like I can get the workout I need without spending hours at the yoga studio or gym. OMG!!!! I'm sore from 15 minutes? And I have my booty and belly back years after having a baby. You were right! Thank you for freeing my time--and my body confidence, too." ~Kim, 50, Arizona.

"Sadie's Fit & Fierce program is ROCKSTAR. She is kind and sassy and she will whip you into shape in such a way you don't even notice it's happening, because you'll be having too much fun. I feel like a warrior now, and nothing--not hours of yoga, or a lifetime on gym machines did this for me." ~Ava, 34, New York City

"I repeated this course three times (so far), because I've found nothing that works better. Every other workout asks me to either work less for more time, or too hard for too much time, and I left it all behind after discovering this. I'm almost 60, and strong--I have done yoga and fitness stuff for a lifetime. I found very little online that challenges me but also takes my joints and safety into consideration. I follow along, and if I can't do something, I dance around the room or do my own version. She allows for that, and even encourages it. Sadie! Please make more courses like this. It's a miracle." ~Kathy 60, California

"If you have studied with Sadie before, that's why you're here. If you haven't--you're in for a treat. Welcome to the Tribe! Every bit of her information is useful, and will save you a lifetime of energy and money to get the outcomes you want. She hates people to call her a genius, but that's what she is. So she has to post this now, haha. See for yourself!" ~Tristan, Yoga teacher and creator, Yoga Shred for Men on DailyOM

"Sadie is one of the only asana teachers whose work I recommend" ~Leslie Kaminoff, world-renowned anatomy expert and co-author of Yoga Anatomy.

About Sadie Nardini

Sadie Nardini, E-RYT 500, RYS 300, is the founder of Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga and creator of the Yoga Shred system: the first-ever blend of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and yoga postures -- for the best of both worlds! Her 21-Day Yoga Shred course is a bestseller on DailyOM, and Sadie travels the world presenting anatomy, authenticity and flow yoga and Yoga Shred workshops. She is also the author of the 21-Day Yoga Body book (Random House). By day, she creates at-home transformational courses, and by night, fronts a mostly female classic rock & roll band, Sadie and The Tribe. Sadie lives and Shreds in Los Angeles.

How Does It Work?

Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 3 weeks (total of 21 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Get Started Now

We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

How much do you want to pay?


This is the total amount for all 21 lessons