You may feel charitable today, especially toward those who live in distant lands. You may feel a need to seek ways to help by making a meaningful contribution to humanitarian organizations or devoting some time to charities that have an international focus. It may also be helpful to affirm your interconnectedness with everyone on the planet today, regardless of their location. A good way to do this is by envisioning our world with all of its inhabitants linked together hand-to-hand, heart-to-heart, and soul-to-soul. See the spiritual thread that runs through each of us, connecting us at a core level. This will help you understand that by extending love and compassion to anyone in the world, you are extending love and compassion to people everywhere.

Affirming our interconnectedness with others empowers us with the knowledge that our efforts to make a difference always benefit everyone. It is easy to feel like we are unable to make a large difference in the world. If we can choose to see that we are each part of a larger consciousness, we will understand that every act of kindness impacts someone who will impact someone else until the effect of our actions will have multiplied and spread to people around the world. As we extend our help to even one person, we are helping everyone. By honoring your connection with others and making a positive contribution today, your efforts will reach out and touch the multitude.