You may feel introspective and inclined to withdraw from the world, others, or your obligations. If you've spent an inordinate amount of time caring for others recently, you may benefit from spending time alone. That's because you may be trying to balance your independence with the demands of others. You can regain your sense of individuality by indulging in solitude. Taking time to reflect upon recent experiences may help you rediscover who you are outside of the context of your duties and relationships. Meditation may further aide you in restoring your awareness regarding how you feel and what you need today.

Regularly spending time in solitary contemplation can help you maintain your individuality. It is often when we are most concerned with fulfilling the needs of others that we forget or lose ourselves. Devoting time to personal reflection away from the distractions of the world and the demands of others affords you an opportunity to recall the person you are, the goals that are important to you, and the many positive qualities that define you. If you feel disconnected from your soul, introspection can help you regain your sense of mind-body unity and wholeness. Immersing yourself in your thoughts can help you remember who you truly are. Schedule time for solitary reflection today, and your true nature will be revealed to you as you explore yourself.