The pressures of your work duties could leave you feeling keyed up today, and this stress may be due to your need to do everything as well as you can in order to get the job done. If you can keep in mind that your best is really good enough, you could find it easier to allow room in your day for some time to take care of yourself. Maybe you might try to use your breath to help you release some of the tension you feel throughout the day today. Should you notice any physical stress signals – tight throat, chest or shoulders – close your eyes, plant your feet firmly on the floor and take deep abdominal breaths, imagining that the fresh energy you are bringing into your body is dissolving the areas where you are holding your stress. This simple exercise could revitalize you enough to let go of any pressure you feel.

Our breath is a powerful inner tool that can help us cope with external concerns. When we have stress in our lives we tend to hold the tension in various parts of our body. Consciously bringing new energy into our body through our very basic inhalations and exhalations, however, allows us to release whatever it is we are holding onto. Not only will this relax us, but it will also make us more able to deal with the problems we face. Using your breath during the day will make it easier for you to remain calm and steady regardless of what happens today.