The various work projects you have could leave you feeling over-extended today. Your workload may be due to the difficulties you have in putting your own needs first and your fatigue may be a sign that you need to slow down and listen to your most immediate needs. If you can, you might wish to take some time off or at least treat yourself to time alone spent on treating yourself well. Simple things such as making certain that you eat well and get enough rest could do wonders not only for your physical weariness but also for your emotional wellbeing as well. Taking even a few minutes out of your busy routine to schedule in time for yourself, you may find, may help you to feel better as well as give you additional energy to cope with whatever else may arise during the day today.

Making our own welfare a priority makes it easier for us to arrange an agenda that takes our health and peace of mind into careful consideration. While the demands of the people around us may seem important, we will be less effective in both our personal and professional relationships if we overstretch ourselves. Even though it may seem that we are limiting ourselves by making time for rest and relaxation, we are in fact letting our body regenerate, which will make us much more effective in the long run. Giving your needs precedence will fill you with greater energy to put into your projects today.