You might be more direct in your conversations which could make you appear to be more outspoken today. Perhaps this desire to tell things like they are may be due to your need to be honest with others and let them know your true feelings. Although openness can be a positive thing in interactions, today you may also wish to keep in mind that being too candid may cause others to close themselves off from you. Maybe you can think of yourself as having an observer sitting next to you watching your interactions today. Try thinking of this observer as someone who can guide you and help you read the signals from the people you are with, letting you know when to be frank and when to be subtle. This could make what you have to say so much better received by those around you.

Understanding how our message comes across is just as important as the message itself. Even though we may think that being up-front will give us the results we want, if we aren't careful, our honesty may backfire on us. Reminding ourselves that we can be honest and gentle at the same time – such as through a mental observer – allows us to use tact and good judgment as well as candor to express our feelings. When you are aware of how others will feel by your directness, you will find that they will be much more apt to respond to you in a positive way today.