An introspective mood can cause you to turn away from your worldly concerns today in order to focus the whole of your attention on scouring your inner landscape for meaning. As you search your soul for significance, you may find yourself repeatedly touching on events from your past and elements of your heritage that seem to form the foundation of your life in the present. If you allow yourself to delve more deeply into your personal history, you will likely have to confront aspects of your experience or ancestry that form the basis of traits you exhibit in the present. Consider each of these today and you may discover that you can control a greater portion of your destiny.

Our roots can offer us a window of understanding that allows us to see clearly the individuals and events that have had the most intense impact on the direction our lives have taken. As we grow more familiar with the aspects of our personal histories that affected us deeply, we are empowered to accept that influence or reject it. We need not feel like prisoners of the past, knowing as we do that we are grounded in the present and obligated to retain only those aspects of our legacy that add value to our lives. While we reflect on times long gone, we can appreciate that we are tri-natured--we owe our existence to the past, our choices in the present, and our dreams of the future. In the search for meaning you undertake today, your journey into your individual historical record will provide a route to comprehension.