It could be easier for you to see what the future might hold for you today. Since you are observing what is happening now, you may feel like you can understand what might come to pass later. Having a farsighted view of your life can be a way for you to lay the groundwork today for your dreams of tomorrow, and you might try to consider what impact your actions could have on the future. One way to do this can be to think about how complex your life is at present. You may notice that you have more than you need or that you tend to schedule more than you can do. If you can think about making your life simpler by using less and doing less, you may find that your vision of the future becomes much clearer.

While we can't see into the future, we can design our lives in a way so that our actions can positively affect the world. Although the future holds a lot of uncertainty for us and may even cause us to fear what we don't know, if we can envision our lives as being filled with the things we desire that are deeper--good health, fulfilling relationships, a greater connection with spirit--we can put our intention out into the universe and will be more likely to manifest our dreams. By taking steps to align your present life with your future hopes today, you will transform your vision into something extraordinary.