Your compassionate nature can motivate you to seek out opportunities to take part in charitable efforts benefiting both your local community and the world at large today. You may find that you have little difficulty envisioning what the lives of those suffering from want, pain, and injustice must be like. Since you likely sympathize with humanity's struggles, your first instinct may be to devote as much of your time and energy as possible to philanthropic work. Yet you can accomplish your charitable goals more easily if you approach the act of giving thoughtfully and use your strengths to maximize your potential. Consider today what resources you can offer those organizations concerned with bringing about positive change.

Within each of us there is the potential to become a force of positive change, provided we are willing to follow the paths our compassionate feelings will us to take. The inspiration for all of our charitable acts is empathy, which enables us to better understand the plight of those less fortunate than ourselves. As we are exposed to the broad scope of humanity's struggle for well-being, our true inner voices implore us to do all we can to ease the pain of people in need. When we accept that we are capable of making a difference even though our energy and resources are limited, we are empowered to go forth into the world acting as willing and enthusiastic emissaries of peace, health, and happiness. Your compassion will guide you toward opportunities to do good today when you heed its call.