Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Overcoming Fear & more courses

September 27, 2016
Overcoming Fear & more courses

Dear DailyOM Friend,

We're honored to share with you these on-line courses on DailyOM this week:

Overcoming Fear by Debbie Ford - In this 8 week course with New York Times best-selling author and internationally acclaimed Transformation Coach, Debbie Ford, you will learn 14 key lessons to help you overcome fear by uncovering it, understanding it, and ultimately embracing it by finding its gifts. Fear is a very real emotion that can render us powerless. It can make us believe that we can't do it, we are wrong, the cost is too high, the path ahead too difficult. Fear disguises itself with the voice of certainty, filling us with worry, doubt, and even dread. Every time you choose fear, you lose. Every time you choose fear, you fall prey to being controlled by your history rather than rise to the futu! re that you desire and deserve. Through this course you will learn how to tune into the voice of fear, discover the gifts of fear, and to choose faith and courage so that you can fully live a courageous life. more

Release the Suffering of the False Self by Gina Lake - In this 8 week course with spiritual teacher, Gina Lake, you will learn how to free yourself from the false self and its negative and limiting beliefs. We all struggle with the voice in our head, which scolds us, judges us, tells us how to be, who we are, and what to do. What we don't always realize is that this voice is not our true voice, but a voice of negativity and limitation. It is the voice of the false self, not the true self. Through this course you will come to clearly see how the egoic mind, which creates the false self, operates and draws you into its illusory, virtual reality and creates suffering. More importantly, you will find out what you can do ! about it--how you can wake up out of the egoic mind and live as your true self. You will discover how living this way is not only more creative, wise, peaceful, and loving, but also safe and provides for all your needs. You will learn to identify the voices of the ego and how the false self is maintained, how to work with fears and desires, and practices and methods for waking up and becoming present. Learn to disengage from your ego and live in the awareness of your true self. more

Himalayan Wisdom for a Life Beyond Fear by Anand Mehrotra - In this 7 week course with Anand Mehrotra, Founder and Master Teacher of Sattva Yoga, you will receive seven deep wisdoms as taught by Anand and captured through in-depth, never before released footage from the award-winning documentary The Highest Pass. Through this series of videos and teachings from Anand, you will be led to the courage and love already within you that can lead you beyond your fears. Have you ever been excited and at the same time totally afraid? Has that fear held you back from living your life fully, totally? Through this course you will be encouraged to rise up, to meet your true self, and to realize your fullest potential! s. Not all of us can take the time or resources to travel to India for three weeks, but now you can be guided by a master as if you were there. When you begin to meditate upon and apply these wisdoms in your daily life, you will develop a truly authentic power and faith that is your birthright. more

How to Handle Life Like a Badass by Bailey Gaddis - In this 8 week course with hypnotherapist, Bailey Gaddis, you will learn to awaken your inherent ability to take a skilled mind, body, and spirit to this bumpy road of life. Do you dwell in the darkness, even when your life is full of light? Do you live in dread of mistakes, or perceived misfortunes? Would you like a metaphorical flashlight to guide you through the darkness, out into a brighter reality? This course will help you step into that brighter world. It will adjust the shade of your challenges from murky blacks and browns to vibrant blues, greens, purples, pinks, reds, yellows, and gold. The exciting bumps in life are not to be feared but examined,! explored, and honored. Through this course you will not only learn to see challenges as benefits but will tap into your inner knowledge of how to pull the insights, epiphanies, and enlightenment from life's struggles. You will free yourself from anticipatory fear and anxiety, honor unpredictability and give it sacred worth, solidify your self-worth, and wake up each day with an excited curiosity for what is to come - and a knowing that you can roll through it all. more

Grief as a Pathway to Transformation by Tambre Leighn - Through this 8 week course with professional coach, Tambre Leighn, you will locate where you are right now in the grieving journey and face the blank slate that grief often presents to us. Grief is often associated primarily with loss of a loved one and people can fail to recognize that, whenever change occurs, even change we choose or feel is a "positive" one, there is the potential for a sense that something has been lost or a need to grieve what is being left behind to move forward. Experiencing grief, moving through it, and recovering from it is typically not a straight or easy road - but finding the courage to walk through grief to discover what's ! on the other side can lead to an extraordinary and transformed life. During this course, you will learn how to face the unknown of what comes after major change, a 3 step process for overcoming the overwhelm of grief, ways to nurture yourself so you have the energy to recreate yourself, and how to reconnect with a passion and purpose for living. Learn to create what's next from who you are now, having been through the experience that changed your life. more

Also, be sure to check out the following most popular courses on DailyOM:

1. A Year to Clear What is Holding You Back!
2. 21 Day Yoga Shred
3. Reinventing The Body, Resurrecting the Soul
4. Find True Love in 27 Days
5. 8 Week Whole Body Makeover!
6. Be Free from Unhealthy Relationships
7. The 4-Minute Peaceful Warrior Workout
8. Unleash the Power of Badass Habits
9. Heal Yourself with Writing
10. A Year of Rumi

For more information visit:
> DailyOM Courses


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