Monday, September 26, 2016

Evaluating Our Relationships

Today's DailyOM brought to you by:

The Friend We Want To Be

September 26, 2016
Evaluating Our Relationships
The Friend We Want To Be

by Madisyn Taylor

Be the friend to others that you wish them to be to you.

There comes a time in all our lives when we may need to evaluate our relationships, making sure that they are having a positive effect on us, rather than dragging us down. Without realizing it, we may be spending precious time and energy engaging in friendships that let us down, rather than cultivating ones that support and nourish us along our path. Life, with its many twists, turns, and challenges, is difficult enough without us entertaining people in our inner circle who drain our energy. We can do so much more in this world when we are surrounded by people who understand what we're trying to do and who positively support our efforts to walk our path.

We can begin this evaluation process by simply noticing how we feel in the context of each one of our close relationships. We may begin to see that an old friend is still carrying negative attitudes or ideas that we ourselves need to let go of in order to move forward. Or we may find that we have a long-term relationship with someone who has a habit of letting us down, or not showing up for us when we need support. There are many ways to go about changing the status quo in situations like this, having a heart to heart with our friend showing through example. This process isn't so much about abandoning old friends as it is about shifting our relationships so that they support us on our journey rather than holding us back.

An important part of this process is looking at ourselves and noticing what kind of friend we are to the people in our lives. We might find that as we adjust our own approach to a relationship, challenging ourselves to be more supportive and positive, our friends make adjustments as well and the whole world benefits.

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DailyOM Course Spotlight

Intimacy Without Responsibility
by Wendyne Limber

Do you find it difficult to speak your truth to the one you love? Do you often censor your true feelings and real Self so you do not hurt someone else? Or, do you find yourself fearful, resentful and wanting to control and manipulate a situation so someone (or everyone) will feel better? Are you ready for your own space? Would you prefer to love deeply, be real, speak your truth, understand why you predictably attract certain people and reactions in loving relationships? Are you ready to experience deep intimacy and love without all that responsibility? This 49 Day course contains daily teachings, mind intervention practice videos, and assignments to help you become the master of enlightened relationship! By following, learning and mind imprinting the 49 Principles in this course, you will move past your fear of being real and experience the conscious evolution of love, which includes deep integration of the universal spiritual principles of relationship attraction and being! !

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