Tuesday, March 22, 2016

10 Steps to Lifelong Creativity & more courses


March 22, 2016
10 Steps to Lifelong Creativity & more courses

Dear DailyOM Friend,

We're honored to share with you these on-line courses on DailyOM this week:

10 Steps to Lifelong Creativity by Gerald Klickstein - This 5 week course with author and musician, Gerald Klickstein, is for you if you aspire to be more creative, or you aren't doing the creative work that calls to you. These 10 lessons will guide you to build up the self-awareness and skills that lead to achievement in any creative domain. Maybe you want to write, compose music, make visual art, fashion clothing, choreograph dances or the like but aren't sure where to begin or how to follow through on your ideas. After finishing this course, you will know exactly how to begin and follow through. You will have completed a small project of your own design, gained deep insight into the creative process! , and be equipped to enjoy a lasting creative practice. To get started, you need nothing more than a rudimentary background in the creative field you wish to explore. You will learn how to identify authentic yet attainable creative goals, a method to focus creative energy, and how to realize creative projects. Through this course you will acquire the know-how to remove creative blocks and confidently pursue your dreams. more

Use Your Creativity, Let Go of Your Past by Aazam Irilian - In this 8 week course with art educator and coach, Aazam Irilian, you will be given a variety of artistic techniques to help you tap into your natural creativity and create a unique book that is the compilation of personal stories, reflections and authentic artistic expressions about you and your life. We all have memories that are near and dear to our hearts. We often hang onto memories that are painful and internalize the belief that those experiences are the reason for the shortcomings in our lives. We may allow our talents to go undeveloped and underestimate the wisdom we have gained. Often we repeat the same patterns over and over again and wond! er why things don't change. This course combines step-by-step instructions in art, imagery and creative writing as tools to explore your inner strengths and the lessons you have gained from your experiences. You will engage in the creative process as a tool for healing and personal growth, learn powerful ways to encourage mental and emotional clarity for deeper understanding of your life's journey, and learn how you can achieve your desired future. more

Cultivate a Strong Writing Practice by Laraine Herring - This 8 week course with Creative Writing Director, Laraine Herring, will help you access the deepest part of your writing by illuminating the key areas of distraction and helping utilize the wisdom in your own body and breath. You will explore methods of cultivating and sustaining meaningful writing relationship and establish a flexible writing practice. By learning how to remain steady through discomfort and be with ourselves long enough to hear our own words, we can learn to write without judgement. As we observe our thoughts, step outside ourselves to a place of witness consciousness, and move into our bodies, we learn how to stay with our chara! cters and poems until we've heard all they have to say, not just to the reader, but to our own hearts. This course will teach you how to establish a grounded writing practice, integrate your body with your writing in a holistic manner, and develop a sustainable relationship to your writing. more

Learn the Practice of Channeled Writing by Sara Wiseman - This 4 week course with spiritual teacher, Sara Wiseman, will teach you how you can enjoy direct connection with the Universe through the practice of channeled writing. Channeled writing, or receiving Divine guidance in writing, provides both the expanded state of consciousness that arrives in meditation, with the grounding or anchoring of the body to write or record what we receive. Through this practice you become a receiver, and can use the same consciousness that you use in meditation, prayer or other states of deeply expanded consciousness to gather specific information from the Universe. You can gather information that will answer questions abou! t your life, relationships, romances, work and next steps. Channeled writing helps you receive information from the Universe, translate telepathy into language, and ground it in the body through writing. This course will teach you what channeling feels like in the body, why channeling has a different voice than your own writing, how to channel from specific spirit guides, and how to channel Divine guidance on any question. more

Also, be sure to check out the following most popular courses on DailyOM:

1. 21 Day Yoga Body!
2. A Year to Clear What is Holding You Back!
3. 8 Week Whole Body Makeover!
4. Break the Grip of Past Lovers
5. Manifest Your Soulmate
6. Make Yourself a Money Magnet
7. A Year of Rumi
8. Way of Story Writing Course
9. Clear Your Home, Clear Your Life
10. The 4-Minute Peaceful Warrior Workout

For more information visit:
> DailyOM Courses


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