Friday, November 20, 2015

Chakra Chants

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November 20, 2015
Chakra Chants
Jonathan Goldman

People who meditate deeply and are aware of their chakras (the seven energy centers along the spine) know that sound frequencies can activate mind-body awareness. Jonathan Goldman is a master of the art of Tibetan overtone singing-that deeply spiritual sound of Tibetan monks that serves to awaken the higher self through sound-and he brings that mastery to bear here on Chakra Chants, is a series of seven meditative tracks. Each track is designed for its own chakra, working from the "Primal Ground, Base" up through to the "Crown of Creation." Befitting the gravity involved, the lower chakra chants are deep, low level energy flows you can feel in your tail bone as you sit in full lotus position. The key here would be to match your breath exhale with gentle humming along with the tones of the chants, either on the same tone or a complimentary one.

As the tracks move up the spine, the chants become more ethereal. A throat singer creates a mind-melting harmonic sidebar to the flow of chants, while a higher register vocal sails overhead, adding a gentle melody, an awakening of the romantic spirit. The third chakra finds us getting more mystical. A few simple bells introduce each change in chakra focus, providing the gentlest of alerts to the listener to move their active focal point of awareness. The jump into "Spirit Voices, Throat" from "Wings of the Heart" for example, is one from deep chanting to light breathing tones that enter and leave the ether. Overlapping along the same note, you can feel your skin cells, your spinal energy opening to these tones, like hungry baby birds opening their beaks, or flowers opening to embrace the sun. The final chakra, "Crown of Creation," finds the sonic magic of the Tibetan singing bowls interacting with the presence of a transcendentally nurturing female vocal. If you're ready, it! just might set that third eye lotus ablaze.

Included with the CD is an amazing booklet that gives the background of the art and guided meditations to accompany the disc. You will not want to play this at work or in the car, this is for time spent inside the sacred temple halls of your own spirit, where you surrender control of the exterior world and wander freely through the third eye into an eternal light of love and self.

Listen to all sound clips from this CD
  • "Sacred Union - Sacral"
  • "Spirit Voices - Throat"
  • "Crown of Creation - Crown"

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