Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Reinvent Your Self Image, 8 Secrets to Releasing Stubborn Weight


January 28, 2015
Reinvent Your Self Image, 8 Secrets to Releasing Stubborn Weight

Dear DailyOM Friend,

We're honored to share with you these on-line courses on DailyOM this week:

Reinvent Your Self Image by Krishanti - Through this 4 week course with intuitive consultant, Krishanti, you will be guided to reinvent yourself, creating a positive, powerful, sparkling, radiant presence that announces to the world how much you LOVE yourself and your life. Imagine the energy of your true spirit amplified across the entire spectrum, shaping the whole of your experience, creating lasting excitement, happiness and fulfillment. This course will show you how to tap into the right internal energy to make that happen. Your self-image is a combination of both your energetic vibration and your physical form. It informs the world of who you are, what you think of yourself, and h! ow you expect to be treated. If your self-image is not in alignment with your true spirit, your vibration will feel tired, shabby and low. This course will help you identify and shift your vibration, wake up your soul, and re-program your energy field so you can transform your self-image and start living the life you really want. more

Shine Your Warrior Goddess Self by HeatherAsh Amara - In this 11 day Warrior Goddess Training Online Bootcamp, bestselling author HeatherAsh Amara provides the antidote to the flawed idea that you are not enough! It's no secret that women today are juggling a lot. We now make up more than half the workforce in the United States and are busier than ever with partners, children, family and friends, often putting the needs of others ahead of our own. And if we feel overwhelmed by it all or fall short of perfection, many of us have learned to be our own worst critic rather than our own best friend. This course will teach you to take powerful action, move through resistance and clean up what doesn't serve you so you c! an find your self-respect and speak your truth with clarity. If you don't love and honor yourself with every fiber of your being, if you struggle with owning your power and passion, if you could use more joyful play and simple presence in your life, then it's time for a new year's inner revolution -- it's time to claim your Warrior Goddess energy! Make THIS year the year of YOU! more

8 Secrets to Releasing Stubborn Weight by Sandy Zeldes - This 8 week course from expert nutritionist, Sandy Zeldes, will give you the secret to transforming a poor body image that keeps you depressed and unhappy living a life that holds you back, to one where you have natural radiance, peace and confidence in your own skin to rock your purpose. If you spend a lot of time thinking about why it is that you can't seem to stick to a plan of action and finally lose weight or find a diet that is right for you, this course is for you. Maybe, after so many failed attempts you feel that freedom from food cravings, emotional eating, and sustained weight loss just isn't possible for you, leaving you! feeling depressed and hopeless. This course is designed to help you heal the underlying causes of a lack of motivation toward health goals so you can get out of your own way and find your own perfect path to health. You will stop the self-sabotage that stops results dead in their tracks, learn why trying to food restrict or even focus on food at first will backfire and throw you off course every single time, and receive the 8 secrets to healing the most common causes to weight loss resistance. more

52 Keys to Having a Great Year by Dawn Lianna - This 52 week course with intuitive guide, Dawn Lianna, includes 52 lessons of guidance that come for a whole year, on many topics that challenge us all. Everyone is unique and yet this guidance will be pertinent to you and usable by you. It is heartfelt and positive. This is deep, supportive, spiritual knowledge and wisdom. The teachings in each lesson will help you build your wisdom and practical skills and deepen your connection to the divine. Each week you will receive one lesson on a unique topic. Combined with the homework on how to implement and integrate that knowledge into your life, these lessons retrain you on the topic at hand and help you! set a better course for your year. This course will help you find your own intuitive guidance turning on, right inside your very own circumstances. You will start to realize deeper clarity and conviction and become excited in finding the positive teaching in the most unusual places in your life, making this next year your very best. more

Also, be sure to check out the following most popular courses on DailyOM:

1. The 4-Minute Peaceful Warrior Workout
2. A Year of Rumi
3. Clear Your Home, Clear Your Life
4. 14 Day Yoga Fat Burner
5. Eat, Love, Train Your Body Beautiful
6. Letting Go with Forgiveness
7. A Year to Clear What is Holding You Back!
8. How To Overcome Depression
9. 21 Day Yoga Body!
10. 7 Day Fat Flush

New Courses | All Courses

For more information visit:
> DailyOM Courses


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