Saturday, January 17, 2015

14 Day Yoga Fat Burner

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January 17, 2015
14 Day Yoga Fat Burner
14 Day Yoga Fat Burner

by Sadie Nardini

The following is an excerpt from the "14 Day Yoga Fat Burner" on-line course. If you would like to take the entire course, click here.

This is a course targeted to help you drop excess weight, and raise your metabolism, including a powerful yoga sequence, daily inspiration and tips for conscious eating. In true yoga style, we know that it's far more effective when you want to shift one thing, you also discover how to transform on your other levels too. Then, not only will you look better, you'll think, act and feel better too.

If you follow my and Holistic Nutritionist Jenn Pike's directions for a new way of relating to food, yourself and exercise--fiercely and mindfully-- your actions will produce awesome results like weight loss, more confidence and increased energy in just 2 weeks.

It will work only if you can get out of your own way, take new actions to move toward the goal of being healthy in every possible moment--and take charge of your fabulous new life in a masterful fashion. We know you can! Both Jenn and I have done it, and we are totally on your side to help you become victorious over any old, limiting habits that are still lurking around, dimming your shine.

Let's light it up!

When it comes to embarking on any new course of action, there is only one place to start:

Right where you are.

It's great to set your intention toward making the changes you desire, whether it's to lose weight, learn to cook more healthfully, incorporate mindful exercise like yoga as a part of your life, or anything else. However, only setting intentions is but one small part of the equation.

The difference between the people who reach their goals, and don't, and the people who maintain their deeply energetic, dynamic, attractive inner flame in each moment and those who go dark, is that those who everyone else looks to as role models for health and happiness all have one thing in common.

The biggest indicator of whether you'll succeed--or sabotage--your best intentions is whether or not you can make one thing happen:

Just do it.

We all know what we have to do to shift to that next state of living out loud. Very few of us, however, take the specific actions enough times to create a new lifestyle Most people try a few things, get excited for, say, 14 days, and then when the old life creeps back in, off they go, back to what didn't work and won't ever work to create change.

This 14-day fat-blasting course will get you kickstarted on the actual action steps (called steps because they should move you forward toward your wildest vision of the most incredible you, ever), and consistency of doing those steps regularly that it takes to make a real difference.

Yogis say" repetition is magic" and what they mean is that by doing the things that serve your ultimate goals right here and now, you'll literally create a love, health and empowerment-filled matrix --a beautiful experience of your self and your life that seems to come out of nowhere, as if a magician waved a wand and--poof!--an extra amazing version of you appeared where just weeks ago there was someone much different standing there.

Today we begin with the foundation, which is really present-moment awareness. This experience you're having now, whatever it is, is always inviting you to focus in on the place where you find yourself standing, even if it's not comfortable. We yogis have learned to drop any story that says we're "bad" or should feel "guilty" for anything we have chosen in the past, or that anything going on now is "not what's supposed to be happening" and in so doing, we drop one of the biggest roadblocks to transformation: a refusal to look in the mirror, and see what limiting behaviors got us here in the first place.

If you can do that, then you're well on your way to doing something about it, instead of going through life with blinders on, getting the same sub-par results year after year.

Without judgment, please list the Top 5 Roadblocks that get in the way of your happiness and health. Don't think so much...just write. You know what they are:

Now, write down how you can do the opposite of those things. List 10 Super Action Steps you can take away from those old behaviors and stories. They can be big or small actions, but they should move you unerringly toward the benefits you want, not away. know some things you can do. Now, the big question is: will you?

If I were you, I'd try to stay close to the following list with any actions you take for the next 14 days. This means that you will make an effort to consistently line up what you think, say and do for 2 weeks with one of the Core Actions here:

1. Eat whole, living foods instead of processed, dead ones.
2. Act with personal integrity when interacting with yourself or others
3. Make more time to nourish yourself each day. Take the time or time will take you over.
4. When you feel old habits creeping in, push to do the opposite, and take actions that invest in your health.
5. Be aware of all the small and large opportunities that present themselves each day to do all of the above....and then do all of the above.

We here at Fat-blaster central are so excited for you to torch everything that no longer serves you. Get ready to throw old, toxic behaviors, stories, and yes--excess body fat--into the fires of transformation!


When it comes to the most important foundation of all your yoga poses, it isn't actually your feet or hands, or even the pose itself! The core of any successful yoga practice is your breath. Without it, you can't burn fat properly, detoxify your body--or even stay alive for more than a few minutes.

Today I invite you to learn my signature Golden Flame Breath, or Core Breath technique. It will help you detox and stimulate more heat and fat-burning power every time you inhale and exhale! Now that's a foundational tool you can use on and off the mat for a lifetime!

Golden Flame Breath Benefits:
• Instantly lights agni, and fires up your metabolism

• Promotes more energy and detoxification through deeper breathing

• Calms and focuses your mind, busts anxiety

• Brings new circulation to the belly area, improving digestive and reproductive health

• Tones the pelvic floor and pelvic diaphragm, an often-overlooked muscle group which can prevent loss of bladder control, uterine prolapse and other yucky situations.

How To Practice It: Come to sit on the floor or in a chair. Place your hands on your knees. I close my first fingers and thumbs together in Gyan Mudra, or a hand gesture that's symbolic of being open to gain knowledge.

• Sit up tall, and begin to breathe more slowly and a little more deeply through the nose. You don't need a ton of oxygen here, so don't pump the breath too hard. Keep it slow and easy.

• Pause for a brief moment after each inhale and exhale.

• Close your eyes, and imagine a golden flame sitting in the center and base of your pelvis. It's not touching the floor, but is a few inches higher—or halfway between the navel and floor, deep inside your low belly.

• On your inhales, let the flame drop and turn downward as you relax the muscles of your low belly, pelvic diaphragm and pelvic floor muscles. Let this action soften your pelvis and infuse it with heat. Imagine torching all that old stuff in your 'basement' that's holding you back!

• On the exhales, contract the 'bathroom' muscles at your pelvic floor, and also the higher ones, the ring of muscles inside your pelvic bones,. Hug around that flame and lift it up behind your navel. The flame lifts higher, creating more heat, circulation and detoxing what you are burning away up and out with your breath.

• Note: especially if this is a new practice to you, or you've had children, the pelvic diaphragm muscles might be elusive at first. Don't worry—they will build in time, and you will begin to feel them, first subtly, then more obviously. At first, you might try squeezing and lifting the muscles of the more superficial pelvic floor, like you're trying not to go to the bathroom, but eventually you want to localize the muscular action higher than that.

Do this breath for 1-2 minutes, then move on to the next pose—BUT—make sure to use this breath throughout every pose in your daily Fat-blasting sequence, until you rest at the end, or unless instructed otherwise.

When you physically come into the present with higher quality, and reunite your attention to your deeper core relationship, your results will be increased a hundred fold too. And of course, this is true on every level of your life!



Jenn says:
Many people claim they want to change, and express how unhappy or satisfied they are with their current state of health and well-being. Yet they are often the first ones to come up with excuses as to why positive changes can't happen.

Your diet is one of the main reasons that you are--or aren't--reaching your fitness goals. It's making an incredibly huge impact on your progress, since what you eat is a main factor in determining what fuels your metabolism and causes your body to look and feel better or worse. Many people think that exercise alone will make them healthier and more toned, but without a clean, detoxing, whole-foods-based diet, they cannot look or feel their best.

SO: What do you really want to create in your life and for your body?

To succeed along your 14-day Fat-blaster course, it will help you to be extra-precise and write down your desires and goals in order to plant new seeds of growth with clarity. Begin with a vision or mission statement about what it is you're dedicating to manifest in your daily lifestyle, then re-visit this often to remind you of your most important intentions, especially when the inevitable challenges come!

When you approach your body, mind and diet differently, beginning with the fast-track program we'll share with you each day, know that it's just one more ally in your quest to be as fabulous as you know you are capable of being.


In honor of the Foundation today, we're going to start from the basics, with a simple, nourishing, body-clearing beverage that will detox you from old habits and prepare you for all the whole, fresh yumminess to come!

Day 10 - Body Cleansing Juice

• 4 carrots
• 1/2 cucumber
• 1 beet

Wash and trim your vegetables. Feed them through the juicer in the following order: All carrots at once, cucumber and finally, beet. Enjoy this pretty little cleansing and energizing boost!

For more information visit:
> 14 Day Yoga Fat Burner


DailyOM Course Spotlight

Become a Spiritual Psychic in 28 Days
by Sara Wiseman

Intuition is a spiritual practice because intuitive development and spiritual awakening are so intertwined, they may as well be one and the same. In other words, if you travel down the path of intuitive development long enough, you'll become a conscious spiritual being. Conversely, if you travel down the path of spiritual practice long enough, you'll become a conscious intuitive being. They are both the same path, under different guises. In this four-week course, you will cover the four core psychic abilities from a spiritual perspective and you will work with each of these abilities from the starting point of Divine connection: a place where you will experience expansion of consciousness, raising of vibration, and most likely, energetic healing, personal growth and total life transformation. Ready to begin this journey of spiritual and intuitive expansion? Let's go!

> Get the first lesson now

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  14 Day Yoga Fat Burner

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