Tuesday, November 18, 2014

DailyOM: Stop Sabotaging Your Chances for Love, Tap Out Your Stress ...


November 18, 2014
Stop Sabotaging Your Chances for Love, Tap Out Your Stress ...

Dear DailyOM Friend,

We're honored to share with you these on-line courses on DailyOM this week:

Stop Sabotaging Your Chances for Love by Rhonda Findling - This 8 week course with author and psychotherapist, Rhonda Findling, will give you valuable insight, information and tools to help you increase your chances of achieving success in romantic relationships. You will discover how your choices of people to become involved with strongly affect your chances of attaining success with love, romance and sex. You will learn how to manage your feelings, thoughts and behaviors more effectively, so that you no longer sabotage your opportunities for connection and relationships. The course will help you break through your "type" to increase the abundance of romantic partners available to you, and become more aware ! of dating behaviors and sexual behaviors that are relationship sabotaging. And, in the end, you will receive information on forms of healthy relating that can enhance your romantic relationships. more

Tap Out Your Stress, Find Peace by Heather Sawdey - This 21 day course with wellness coach, Heather Sawdey, will teach you the basics of meridian tapping as a way to release the stress you have been storing in your body from past events. Tapping is a gentle, non-invasive tool you can use anywhere to help you release stress and rebalance your life. After a stressful event happens, we "save" that memory so that if something similar happens our nervous system has that catalogued as an emergency so we can react to save ourselves. Releasing those residual emotions from events that were not really that life threatening allows your body to calm down. Through this course you will learn how to get started with tappin! g so that you can build a plan for 21 days of releasing both the big events from the past that caused stress in your life, and stress from events in your day to day life now. more

Mindful Practices for a Peaceful Holiday by Heather Sayers Lehman - In this 3 week course with author and coach, Heather Sayers Lehman, you will learn how to prioritize yourself so that you can create a holiday season that is aligned with your personal beliefs, sense of self and desires for your loved ones. So many people spend their entire holiday season pleasing everyone except themselves. They forsake exercise and good nutrition, acquiescing to what everyone else wants, then become angry, resentful, exhausted, overweight and broke. This course will help you create a new, mindful holiday experience that you will continue year after year. It will teach you how to let go of pleasing others so you can av! oid anger and resentment, and embrace the things that you love. You can create a loving, warm and grateful experience for you and your family, and your family and friends will be most grateful to you for creating true happiness and presence in their holiday experience. more

Transforming Fear Into Love by Mother Mary as channeled by Danielle Gibbons - This 10 week course with Mother Mary and channel, Danielle Gibbons, will teach you that you already have everything you need inside your mind, body, and soul to live your heart's desire. Mother Mary tells us we don't have to go out and create something from nothing, but rather awaken and free what already exists within. This is a profound perspective because it shows us that we are wonderful just as we are. What transforms as a result of our continued awakening is our ability to love more deeply, receive help when we need it, and participate in what makes us feel truly alive. This course offers you the opportunity to get excited abou! t your life! Let Mother help you co-create a life that is filled with vibrant energy designed to inspire, and move you into expanding the way you experience yourself. By following Her suggestions each week, you will make the internal shift that will set you free to more easily bring the external manifestation of grace. more

Also, be sure to check out the following most popular courses on DailyOM:

1. Reinventing The Body, Resurrecting the Soul
2. 21 Day Total Transformation
3. Heal Subconscious Blocks to Weight Loss
4. Make Yourself a Money Magnet
5. Dropping the Idea of You
6. A Year of Rumi
7. Heal Yourself with Writing
8. Become a Spiritual Psychic in 28 Days
9. Release Yourself from Family Karma
10. Overcoming Fear

New Courses | All Courses

For more information visit:
> DailyOM Courses


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