Tuesday, November 04, 2014

DailyOM: How to Find the One, Spend More Time Doing What You Love


November 4, 2014
How to Find the One, Spend More Time Doing What You Love

Dear DailyOM Friend,

We're honored to share with you these on-line courses on DailyOM this week:

How to Find the One: Healing Your Heart by Anaiya Sophia - In this 8 week course with author and teacher, Anaiya Sophia, you will address the emotional wounds found in your heart that you have received in your intimate relationships with others. These wounds are the veils that have the potential to close down your heart, adding layers of protection and ways of resisting love. These human tendencies have to be removed in order to meet our Beloved. These are the kinds of issues that will arise once you meet, so here is your opportunity to work with the energies of betrayal, abandonment, denial, separation and judgement before they show up. These are the five guardians that stand at the entrance of the deepest ch! ambers of the heart. Through this course you will face these initiations so that you can build the courage and depth of presence that lead to the five qualities of Love – Agape, Eros, Philia, Storge and Rapture – thereby preparing to meet your Beloved. more

Spend More Time Doing What You Love by Anne Deidre - In this 8 week course with Master Intuitive and Healer, Anne Deidre, you will learn how to give your intuitive life a makeover so that you can reignite your dreams, passion and purpose. As you go through life you can pick up lower vibrational energies. When we have this stuck energy we are not able to hear our intuition clearly and we are not in touch with our dreams, passion or purpose. Without the ability to hear our true and higher guidance we may stay in unhealthy relationships, be afraid to find the career of our dreams, and feel blocked financially. Through this course you will discover ancient secrets to opening your powerful connection to the Divine! Power within you, learn how to clear your energy field to attract more of what you want, heal the emotional wounds of your past, and open your intuitive channels so you can connect with your true purpose. more

Make Money with Your Creative Passion by Iris Fanning - This 26 day course with life and business coach, Iris Fanning, will give you the activities and encouragement you need to move yourself forward in order to turn your existing talents into a profitable business. You can earn a great living doing what you are naturally talented in and professionally trained for. And you can prosper richly from your contributions and take your rightful place as business women and men, where you can TRULY impact this world. This course will teach you how to turn your talents into multiple ways of earning money, how to think like a business person so that you can turn your money making ideas into your fortune, and ! how to market yourself in a way that brings you clients and customers. You will learn that the world needs your talent and that you CAN overcome procrastination and turn your creativity into financial success! more

Guide to a Creative Life by Catherine Ann Jones - This 6 week course with internationally renowned teacher and best selling author, Catherine Ann Jones, will lead you to unlock yourself from survival mode and return to a sense of creative living. You will be guided to step back from literal life and its daily demands, and receive this catalyst in re-discovering a creative life beyond survival. Learn to let go of conditioned patterns, acknowledge your inner calling, and create your life at each moment. This course invites you to explore within and discover a creative solution for the often overpowering problems of today. Beyond Survival is a way to return home, an invitation to the muse, a bridge back to creativ! ity and to Self. more

Also, be sure to check out the following most popular courses on DailyOM:

1. Become a Spiritual Psychic in 28 Days
2. Stop Worry, Fear and Dread in 14 Days
3. Bring on Miracles with the Archangels
4. Make Yourself a Money Magnet
5. Access Psychic Information for Yourself
6. 14 Day Yoga Fat Burner
7. Find Your Soul Purpose through the Akashics
8. Heal Yourself with Writing
9. A Year of Rumi
10. 60 Meditations for Greater Happiness

New Courses | All Courses

For more information visit:
> DailyOM Courses


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