Your personal boundaries have one very important intention: to empower you to create the kinds of relationships you want in your life.

Dear Friends,

There are many ingredients we need for our relationships to thrive, such as trust, honesty, and compassion. Another key ingredient -- which can sometimes be difficult to master -- is our boundary work: setting our personal boundaries. What you will learn in this DailyOM course, Radical Boundaries, is that setting healthy boundaries is an essential, life-affirming skill, and anyone can learn and master it. So, let's get started!

Course Overview
Having a clear vision of who you are and what matters most to you are the key ingredients for success and happiness. However, it takes courage and understanding for any person to determine their life's direction, protect their personal values, and embrace their authenticity. These abilities are gained through mastering the art of setting limits. In this inspiring 10-day course, you'll be guided through a series of transformational lessons that will empower you to reclaim confidence, self-awareness, and well-being through boundary setting. By the end, you will have everything you need to start living a more balanced and joyful life.
  • Receive a new lesson every day for 10 days (total of 10 lessons).
  • Have lifetime access to the course for reference whenever you want.
  • Select the amount you can afford, and get the same course as everyone.
  • If you are not 100% satisfied, you may request a refund.
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Q&A With DailyOM

Q: What are personal boundaries and why are they important in our lives?

A: Personal boundaries act like a "No Trespassing" sign, a defining line that clearly marks what is permissible or not in your relationships. Like an invisible force field, they protect you from physical and emotional harm by letting the other person know what you do and do not want. There are different types of personal boundaries, such as physical boundaries that protect your body, personal space, and privacy. This type of boundary is the easiest to see and define. An example might be, "My bedroom belongs to me, and you need to ask for my permission to enter." Another type of boundary is emotional boundaries. Examples include: how and when you share your private, personal information, or telling someone to respect your wishes and not impose their unwanted emotions on you. Mental boundaries protect your thoughts, values, and ideas. Then, there are also spiritual boundaries which safeguard your spiritual life and beliefs. All of these types of personal boundaries have one very important intention: to give you ownership and responsibility for the life and relationships you want to create. When you do not "own" your life, other people can step in and take charge, and the result is that your life becomes limited -- and you cannot experience your full potential.

Q: Walk me through the course. How will it unfold?

A: This 10-day course is intended to guide you through a lesson-by-lesson transformation, each lesson building upon the other through expert tools, information, action steps, and mindfulness practices. You will begin by learning what is a personal boundary and identify which fears, beliefs, and limitations are holding you back from setting boundaries -- and how to release yourself from these. You will learn the key qualities that go into setting a healthy, strong boundary: it should be strong and firm, compassionate and intentional -- yet not too rigid or too soft. Lesson 5 will focus on the important yet often difficult skill of how to communicate your boundary to another person. The second half of the course is about navigating challenges that arise from your boundary work, and how to overcome these situations with compassion and understanding. You will learn how to deal with the unexpected emotional reactions from other people who may resist your boundary, and when you might need to renegotiate a boundary. One lesson is devoted to consequences, and why they are so necessary for making a boundary effective. The course ends by turning inward and exploring self-boundaries and using your boundary work as nourishment for your wellness and soul. It really is a comprehensive course from beginning to end, taking students on a supportive and practical journey that will be highly beneficial for anyone who wants to live a full and authentic life.

Q: Setting personal boundaries can be hard to do. Why is that?

A: Setting boundaries can be challenging for a myriad of reasons. For many of us, standing up for ourselves is scary to do. It takes learning how to speak up and voice your personal rights -- your right to be happy, safe, and healthy. Lesson 2 explores the kinds of myths and beliefs we hold about boundary work, and the kinds of triggers that prevent us from taking charge of our lives. For example, people pleasing is a major culprit. The fear of rejection, of upsetting someone, or losing someone's love can trigger intense feelings of insecurity and fear. People pleasing is a trait we inherited from our childhood, when we were conditioned to believe that it was selfish to put our needs first, and we were made to feel guilty or even ashamed about it. People pleasing is oftentimes masking codependency and the fear of rejection. But the truth is, those who truly love you care about what you want. If left unchecked, people pleasing can lead to feelings of resentment and even the neglect of one's self-care.

Another fear we might have is the belief that boundaries are mean or aggressive. For those who are sensitive, the idea of confronting someone can be intimidating. But aggression is actually a sign of poor boundaries. Setting boundaries is really about modifying your own behavior and revealing your authentic self to others -- asserting yourself with others and being firm about caring for yourself. These fears and beliefs can make it hard to set boundaries, but you can do it! You can release old patterns of behavior and learn new, healthy ones like setting effective boundaries. It helps to focus on one boundary at a time, and each time you set a new boundary the work will be much easier. Plus, your confidence and self-esteem will increase too!

Q: In Lesson 3, we learn about how boundaries are not just about saying no, but also about saying yes. Tell me more about that.

A: We often think about boundaries as saying no, which is true in many ways. Learning how to say no is actually a big step in boundary work. But creating healthy, thriving relationships includes learning how to communicate what you do want, which can sometimes be just as difficult as saying no. Being able to communicate what you want means having a clear vision of what you want -- and that takes reflection, looking deeply into your relationships with care and honesty. It may also take time to discover what matters to you and how to articulate it to someone. When you include saying yes in your boundary work, it makes it more expansive and open to the good things that can spontaneously appear in your life. To start cultivating a clearer vision of what you want also means paying attention to your body and your feelings, and trusting your inner wisdom. It requires you to take stock of your life and needs, asking yourself specific questions like: "What are my priorities?" "What is being neglected in my life?" "What do I need to nourish myself?"

Q: Lesson 8 focuses on consequences. Why are they so important in boundary work?

A: Consequences are very important and must be included when you communicate your boundary to someone; it's the element that will make your boundary stick over time. A consequence lets the other person know in clear terms what you will do if they cross your boundary. For example, if you have a friend that bosses you around and it's time to set a boundary about it, the consequence for bossing you around might be that you will leave the room or end the phone call. The consequence has to be something that matters to the other person, so in this case your friend does not want to hurt or lose her friendship with you. Consequences for crossing your boundaries should be reasonable, realistic, and flexible -- meaning they can be adjusted or altered to meet the changing nature of the relationship over time. Healthy boundaries, and their consequences, work best when they are not too rigid or too soft. Finding that nice balance is important and can be learned with practice -- and this course will show you how.

Q: What kind of practices and homework can students expect from the course?

A: The homework in this course is a combination of journaling work, self-reflection questions, action steps, and meditations. There is an emphasis on mindfulness and building your self-awareness so that you can identify the areas in your life that need boundaries, and learn how to navigate through your boundary work with compassion and confidence. The course is also very hands-on, because you will be invited to set your own personal boundaries, write them down in simple, clear language, and communicate them verbally or in writing to the people involved. The intention is that, by the end of the course, you will have succeeded in setting at least one or two key boundaries for yourself in your relationships. The hope is for you to see self-improvement through the work you do with self-boundaries, which can help with negative habits or emotions that you want to change. Throughout the whole course, you will be encouraged and guided, providing you with a safe place to explore new ideas and try new things without any fear of judgment. This course is meant to support you as you transform your relationships and yourself for the better -- so you can step into the life you were meant to live!

How Does It Work?
Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 10 days (total of 10 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

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As a free gift, when you sign up for this course, you will also receive the award-winning DailyOM inspiration newsletter which gives you daily inspirational thoughts for a happy, healthy and fulfilling day. We will also let you know about other courses and offers from DailyOM that we think you might be interested in.

Get Started Now
We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

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This is the total amount for all 10 lessons

This is a highly practical and comprehensive course, and it takes you step by step through the important process of boundary work. You will discover that setting healthy boundaries benefits your relationships with others, your relationship with yourself, and so many other aspects of your life. Until next time.

Be well,
