A kindly and considerate mood can influence your relationships with others today, as you may be compelled to think of how your choices will affect the people in your immediate environment. The resultant thoughtfulness that manifests in your behavior can make a wonderfully positive impression on your loved ones and colleagues since they will likely prove to be the beneficiary of your goodwill today. This can also be a good time to examine decisions you recently made as well as those you are putting off until some future date; these can also have an impact on your ability to get along with the major players in your existence.

When we make an effort to take others' feelings into account before speaking or acting, we can avoid hurting people's feelings as we pursue our own purposes. There may be times when our interests conflict with the interests of the individuals in our environment -- we may not at first recognize these instances, but our tendency to give others due consideration will help us identify potentially hurtful choices. We need only give a moment's thought to the consequences of our chosen path before proceeding with our plans to know whether we are on the right track. Should we discover that the choices we are primed to make are likely to impact others badly, we can take our efforts in a less damaging direction. Your thoughtfulness will ensure you do not hurt the people around you today as you will negate conflict before it escalates.