You may be approaching your business affairs with careful consideration, which may make you feel cautious and watchful today. Even if your prudence is due to something unfavorable that happened in the past, you might wish to think of this heedfulness as something positive. In being more attentive to your affairs, you can bring a greater level of mindfulness to your interactions. Should you have to make a decision today, for example, you might wish to take a few deep abdominal breaths and let your body, mind, and spirit guide you to make the right choice. The simple act of listening to all aspects of your being could help you understand that mindfulness can actually let you develop a greater level of confidence in yourself with regard to your affairs.

Recognizing that our awareness is a positive aspect of our lives helps us approach our affairs with more assurance and belief in ourselves. If we approach things as though they were laden with fear, our attentiveness is steeped in caution, making it more difficult to approach things with rationality, sense, and equanimity. Mindfulness, however, means that while we are aware of the things that may happen, we also trust that by paying attention to our inner guidance, we will make good and reasonable choices. This shift in perspective, in turn, will change the energetic nature of our actions, allowing us to be more certain of ourselves. By being mindful, you will have more trust and faith in your ability to attend to your affairs today.