You might feel ambitious today, which might mean that you are more focused on your goals. This drive to succeed might make you more determined than ever to put your energy into your enterprising dreams. While ambition is necessary to realize our goals, today you might wish to reflect on the spiritual nature of your drive. You may, for example, want to consider if your hopes are based in a desire that is deeper than material satisfaction, such as the goal of helping or healing other people. If your goals are not grounded in something spiritual, try to reassess your priorities so that your overall motivation for success is aligned with the true calling of your spirit. You could find that by doing so, you pave the way for a deeper and richer level of achievement.

When our goals arise from the spiritual part of ourselves, the success we have is much more rewarding. It is easy for us to want to put our energy into making our immediate lives more comfortable. Having something tangible to work toward often gives us a sense of accomplishment when we attain our end result. Driving ourselves in this way alone, however, will often leave us feeling empty once we reach our goals, unless we have something more long-lasting and precious to work toward. By using the truest desires of your spirit to propel you forward today, you will have a greater feeling of fulfillment once you reach your goals.