Life may seem less enjoyable or distressing today, as you may suddenly become cognizant of the many unenlightened aspects of the world. You may want to get away from the superficial routines of modern life and to seek out deeper answers in psychology, astrology, spirituality, and philosophical teachings. As you look outward today, however, you may discover that the answers you want aren't forthcoming. You may have better luck searching inward for the knowledge you need. The most meaningful answers can come from within if you are honest with yourself about what you are looking for. You may want to experiment with exercises, such as meditative writing today, that can help you access your inner mind and higher self.

Seeking wisdom within can be the best way to begin leading a more grounded, spiritual life. Though it can be tempting to look for answers in sacred tomes or the words of teachers, you know yourself best and can look into your own experiences and innate knowledge for answers that are unique to you. Since you are familiar with your needs and insecurities, you have the power to be your own inner compass and to guide yourself toward the insights you are seeking. The most meaningful answers will come from within your soul, if you're willing to look for them and trust yourself. Your soul wants only the best for you and will never steer you wrong. When you seek wisdom within today, you'll find the knowledge that is right for you.