You might consider resubmitting any ideas you may have had recently that are related to your work, as the results today may be more favorable than they were the last time. If you have been asked to speak with someone a second time, or have been called back to pick up where you left off in a interview situation, returning to do this may provide you with a boost of self-confidence. Your self-assurance should lead to talks going more smoothly. You may also find that your demeanor today is more pleasant and self-assured as you engage with other individuals in your work arena today. Any pleasantries or greetings you offer people should elicit positive responses.

Seizing second chances increases the odds of getting what we wish and seeing our desired results come to fruition. Our first attempt at any given effort need not be our last and, in hindsight, can be viewed as practice for any subsequent attempts we make. Repeated efforts to put ourselves and our ideas out into the universe show that we are committed to our goals and illustrate that we believe in the contributions we can make, given the opportunity. Our commitment and confidence invites others to believe in us and motivates them to give us and our ideas a chance. Claim your seat once more at any table today, and you should get the results you have been hoping for.