When we debunk the myths and learn the truth about how aging works, we discover that we can expect to age well. Dear Friends,
Today we are discussing Overcoming Fear of Aging by DailyOM course author Margit Henderson, Ph.D. Most people over the age of 30 have experienced that knowing pang of realizing that their body is aging. In her new course, Margit shows us how we can actually age well and not just give in to our fate.
Course OverviewSometimes being an aware and thoughtful person can generate some apprehensions about the future. But, we can use these same abilities to address and release our fears in order to embrace an optimistic outlook regarding the years to come. In this course, you'll be gently guided towards a positive perspective that will motivate you to make small yet highly impactful, healthy changes for your long term well-being. These insightful seven lessons will help you work through any fears you may hold about getting older, express appreciation for what you already possess, and deepen your connections with yourself and others. By the end of this course, you'll have all that you need to savor the present and be empowered to live your life to the fullest.
- Receive new lesson every day for 1 week (total of 7 lessons).
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How much do you want to pay?$15$35$50
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Interview With Margit Henderson Madisyn Taylor: In lesson two you teach that we should "expect to age well." Talk to me about this notion.
Margit Henderson: Expectations tend to create self-fulfilling prophecies because they shape our thinking and behavior. When we live intentionally, we use expectations mindfully to claim the life we want. So it's concerning that we are inundated by misinformation about aging and learn to conceptualize aging as an inevitable, slow decline in health and functioning. Fortunately, when we debunk the myths and learn the truth about how aging works, we discover that we can expect to age well -- this sets us up to live our lives to the fullest.
MT: Why do our perceptions of aging matter to health? How will this course help?
MH: Age is a measure of time, not health. For example, there are older athletes who are much more vigorous than many 30-year-olds. But we often think of aging as an unavoidable deterioration that just happens to us. Such a discouraging outlook sets us up to be passive in the face of aging and puts us at risk for poor health outcomes. In this course, aging myths are debunked, and you will transform your aging mind-set from passive to active, from pessimistic to optimistic. We will explore the underpinnings of your current perspective and build a new outlook, including a vision of your healthy older self. You will learn what you're already doing to set yourself up for a vigorous future and identify additional healthy actions you can take to flourish long-term.
MT: Please describe to my readers your own journey of transforming your fear of aging to optimism.
MH: My own health derailed in my early 40s. My body ached and my mind was foggy. I was chronically exhausted, yet no matter how tired I was during the days, insomnia left me awake and emotionally spiraling at night. I was pushing myself hard with parenting, work, and volunteer commitments, dragging myself forward. During that period, I was also grieving numerous family members and friends who had died in the previous years. My heart was heavy, and I worried about my own aging trajectory, especially given how lousy I felt already. I sought medical care, and at first I was dismissed by my doctors because their exams and lab work couldn't figure out why I was feeling so depleted. With medical support and changing my lifestyle, I was able to regain my health and vitality.
Once my mind cleared, I became curious about aging and health. I noticed wide variability in the health of the seniors in my family and community. Why were some older people really struggling, while others thrived? I wanted to know what caused this difference. Was it just genetics, or could I choose the path my life would take? I'm a geek, so I dug into the healthy aging research and was relieved to find that much of how we age is in our hands. The more I read, the more I saw that my health crisis wasn't really about aging at all -- it was caused by pushing myself too hard without proper self-care. I discovered through direct experience that how I live determines how I feel physically, emotionally, and cognitively. I feel sprier and more vigorous now than I did a decade ago.
My own aging mind-set has transformed from pessimistic to optimistic. Through learning and direct application, I've discovered a hopeful outlook. Like anyone, I have health setbacks at times, but I handle them proactively, seeking help and getting back on track. My optimistic aging perspective empowers me to take action to protect and maintain my health.
MT: In this course, you encourage students to envision their future selves and even write dialogue between their current and future selves. Why are these exercises important?
MH: Aging well requires us to take health-promoting actions. Fortunately, the choices that we make for long-term physical, cognitive, and emotional health also improve our lives now. But sometimes it's hard to stay motivated for goals that seem so far away. If the donut is right there in front of me, how do I make a healthy choice for the future when my taste buds are calling me off-track now? By developing a vivid visualization of your healthy older self and an internal connection between your currently tempted self and your grateful future self, you can more easily dodge the donut and go for a walk instead. Seeing your healthy older self in your mind's eye makes it more compelling that your actions today matter. Also, your older self offers wisdom to your current self about your life's meaning and core values. In dialogue with your sage future self, you can consider the stressors of your current situation in the broader context of your life and gain helpful perspective. What would you tell your teenage self from the wisdom of your current age? By positioning yourself as your older self, you can tap into deeper wisdom about your current struggles.
MT: In several of the lessons you encourage participants to exhale when considering their fears and grief. Why focus on exhalation?
MH: Fear is a visceral physical experience. When we're anxious, our bodies activate the sympathetic nervous system, preparing us for protective action (fight, flee, or freeze), flooding the body with stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. To calm our bodies, we need to activate the parasympathetic nervous system. A long exhalation does just that. Usually, we think of breathing as starting with inhalation, followed by exhalation. But when we're fearful, the lungs are often full of air already and we're breathing in a shallow manner, which leaves us feeling short of breath and more anxious as a result. When we're grief-stricken, we often hold our breath, trying not to cry. By exhaling all the way out, we empty the lungs, making space for a long, relaxing inhalation and a slower, soothing breathing pattern.
You can exhale most effectively by making an "sssss" sound, like letting all the air out of a balloon. This way you'll be able to hear and focus on taking the exhalation all the way to its very end. If you're in a private place now, you might try this: Ssssss, squeeze the air all the way out and feel how your body relaxes. When you think about your fear of aging, focus on exhaling deeply and letting your body relax so that you can make room in your mind for an alternative, hopeful mind-set.
MT: What advice would you give to my readers that are feeling fear and apprehension about their aging process?
MH: Receive your fear with kindness. Sit with your apprehension rather than try to push it away. Imagine your anxiety as a suffering friend. Listen to the worries from a calm part inside of you. Notice that the worries about getting older are understandable -- they're based on scary stereotypes about aging decline, witnessing people we loved die in difficult ways, and our own health challenges. Exhale to keep your calm inner listener activated. By holding your fear gently and with understanding, you create an inner connection, which opens receptivity to new information and ideas. When we try to push fear away or overpower it with counterpoints, it digs in and grows stronger. To avoid this inner battle, bring a soft inner presence to your distress. Once your fear feels understood, it will be more open to hope. Misinformation about aging can be corrected, and an optimistic perspective can grow.
Overcoming fear of any kind takes time and tending. Rather than trying to talk yourself out of your fearful view, build a hopeful perspective beside it. The goal is to shift your attention over and over again to the new optimistic aging outlook. Whenever you notice your mind focused on fear of aging, bring your kind understanding to the pessimistic view, exhale, and move your attention to the new hopeful vista. Once you're looking in the optimistic direction, you will discover new details. You'll notice inspiring older people around you. You'll find empowering stories in the news. You'll feel reassured by what you're doing already to care for your health. You'll begin to expect to age well. As your faith in a positive future grows, your fear will naturally diminish, and you will feel confident about claiming the wholeness of your life.
How Does It Work?Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 7 days (total of 7 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.
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Get Started NowWe are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.
How much do you want to pay?$15$35$50
This is the total amount for all 7 lessons
Thank you, Margit. I am planning on aging well and with some grace! As you can see, we are in control of how well we age, and there is so much we can do right now no matter what age we are in this moment. Until next time.
Be well.
Madisyn Taylor
Cofounder, Editor-in-Chief