You may sense that something akin to luck is on your side today, and you will likely recognize the benevolent hand of your many spirit guardians operating in your experience. Mundane acts that typically constitute a normal part of your daily routine can earn you surprising blessings as others acknowledge your hard work and effort. Should you find yourself in situations that feel negative, you may be pleased to discover that you can respond constructively and without resorting to hostility. The moment of recognition in which you see that you are not alone can be the perfect time to express your gratitude for all the blessings your spirit guides have bestowed upon you today.

We can move through life with a greater degree of confidence when we believe that there are entities watching over us and protecting us from harm. Simply recognizing that we exist under the stewardship of benevolent beings can sustain our spirits during challenging times and lift our mood when life is sweet. We are better equipped to dispel the negative energy we encounter as a normal part of our day-to-day experience because we are able to funnel it into the strong arms of our guides. Yet the confidence we gain in knowing that we are safe and loved also inspires us to take a more active approach to our own happiness as these beings will only come to our aid when called upon to help. You will feel secure today as you recognize the important role your spiritual guardians are playing in your life.