Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Flow of the Universe

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October 15, 2015
The Flow of the Universe
Enjoying the Ride

by Madisyn Taylor

Many people live their lives struggling against the current while others use the flow like a mighty wind.

The flow of the universe moves through everything. It's in the rocks that form, get pounded into dust, and are blown away, the sprouting of a summer flower born from a seed planted in the spring, the growth cycle that every human being goes through, and the current that takes us down our life's paths. When we move with the flow, rather than resisting it, we are riding on the universal current that allows us to flow with life.

Many people live their lives struggling against this current. They try to use force or resistance to will their lives into happening the way they think it should. Others move with this flow like a sailor using the wind, trusting that the universe is taking them exactly where they need to be at all times. This flow is accessible to everyone because it moves through and around us. We are always riding this flow. It's just a matter of whether we are willing to go with it or resist it. Tapping into the flow is often a matter of letting go of the notion that we need to be in control at all times. The flow is always taking you where you need to go. It's just a matter of deciding whether you plan on taking the ride or dragging your feet.

Learning to step into the flow can help you feel a connection to a force that is greater than you and is always there to support you. The decision to go with the flow can take courage because you are surrendering the notion that you need to do everything by yourself. Riding the flow of the universe can be effortless, exhilarating, and not like anything that you ever expected. When you are open to being in this flow, you open yourself to possibilities that exist beyond the grasp of your control. As a child, you were naturally swept by the flow. Tears of sadness falling down your face could just as quickly turn to tears of laughter. Just the tiniest wave carrying you forward off the shores of the ocean could carry you into peals of delight. Our souls feel good when we go with the flow of the universe. All we have to do is make the choice to ride its currents.

DailyOM Course Spotlight

Release Yourself from Family Karma
by Sara Wiseman

Each of us enters this lifetime through the miracle of birth--conceived by humans, pushed into the world through the body of our mother. It's said that we choose our families; that we choose our parents, siblings, cultures, even the time and place we are born into, because our souls have determined that this is where we will learn fastest on our journey of soul growth. Well chosen or not, we are all born into family, lineage, tribe. Now, it would be lovely if the family we've landed into is brimming with nothing but love and light, a continuous feast of honey and roses. However, for many of us this is not the case. In this course, we will take on the task of healing whichever of the seven shadows are present in your family, either now or in the past. This is possible no matter how difficult or painful your family relationships have been. When we work in Universal energy, as you will learn to do in this course, you will learn how to correct and heal the karma of your family s! hadows, both backwards into the past, and forwards into the future.

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  Enjoying the Ride

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