Tuesday, October 20, 2015

How to Read the Signs Sent to Guide You & more courses


October 20, 2015
How to Read the Signs Sent to Guide You & more courses

Dear DailyOM Friend,

We're honored to share with you these on-line courses on DailyOM this week:

How to Read the Signs Sent to Guide You by Anne Jirsch - This 10 week course with Professional Psychic, Anne Jirsch, will help you bring back your own natural ability to read and understand the universal signs that guide you every moment of every day. Intuition is a kind of knowing. It can come by way of a dream or gut feeling. It is a heightened awareness where you notice things that others don't. As your spirituality and intuition grow you begin to notice coincidences and synchronicities. You start to pick up on the symbols and signs that appear in your everyday life. Through this course you will come to see that symbols take many forms. Symbols are universal signs. They appear the world over and ! break all cultural and language barriers. This course will teach you to recognise symbols and signs so that the intuitive part of your brain becomes stimulated. The more signs you notice the more will pop up into your life, until everyone you meet will have a message for you, and you will see the signs everywhere you go. You will also learn to design your own symbols, literally asking for a universal sign and deciding what that will be, then allowing the universe to deliver it to you. more

Discover Your Purpose Using Intuition by Dr. Lesley Phillips - Through this 8 week course with Lesley Phillips, Author and Spiritual Teacher, you will learn how your chakras are the key to unlocking your intuitive abilities and life purpose. So many people feel lost and alone, but there is a simple way that everyone can access their life purpose. The key to who you are and why you are here lies in your chakras. They are the "book of you" and contain information on everything about you; including your unique blueprint of intuitive abilities, which are the guidance system for your life. This course will teach you how your unique intuitive abilities support your life purpose, how your chakra syst! em relates to your intuition, and how your intuitive abilities guide your life direction. Upon completing this course you will have mastered essential tools for activating and using your intuitive abilities, and aligned your purpose to the planet and cosmic consciousness. more

Balance Your Chakra Energies by Becky Hays - This 8 week course from Certified Hypnotherapist, Becky Hays, will help you balance your Chakras to get rid of negative energy that causes dis-ease in the body and in the mind. Do you want more balance in your life, as in balancing work, play, family, health, creative expression and spirituality? Are you super busy, and you know you should meditate, but just can't seem to find the time? Balancing the Chakras is an easy way to slip into a daily meditation that will allow you to relax and feel better. The word 'Chakra' is derived from a Sanskrit word meaning wheel, or a better translation might be spinning wheel. When your Chakras are out of balance, your life is out of! balance. This may show up as anger, depression or anxiety. This course will teach you how Chakra balancing affects your health and well-being, and give you a complete seven Chakra balancing meditation. You will release anger and fear, enhance feelings of being safe and protected, and experience more pleasure and fulfillment in your life. more

Be Your Own Guru by Julie Hoyle - In this 7 week course with Personal Growth Teacher, Julie Hoyle, you will be empowered to access and develop your intuition. Based on ancient wisdom teachings, this course offers self-inquiry practices which will enable you to transmute self-limiting beliefs and become established in expanded states of consciousness. It will galvanize your focus and support you to align you with your purpose. Imagine all your doubts have dissolved. Imagine not having to look outside yourself for answers. Imagine having access to peace and tranquility, and being passionate about your life. Each lesson of this course includes inspiring teachings from diverse paths and traditions, practical tools for sel! f-inquiry and creative assignments. Through it you will learn to harness and utilize the power of your mind, transform shadow aspects, access inner doorways to the subtle realms, and wake up to the truth of who you are. In doing so you will align with your passion and purpose and manifest a new reality. more

Also, be sure to check out the following most popular courses on DailyOM:

1. How to Hear What the Universe is Saying
2. Receiving Messages from the Other Side
3. Overcoming Self-Sabotage
4. The Skinny Thinking Thought Diet
5. Discover Kabbalah and the Tree of Life
6. Activate Your Psychic Superpowers!
7. Develop Your Natural Medium Abilities
8. The 4-Minute Peaceful Warrior Workout
9. Heal Yourself with Writing
10. Release Emotional Energy Blocks and Heal

For more information visit:
> DailyOM Courses


Friends of DailyOM

See 18 Card Reading Experts! - Come see "Intuitive Festival: Card Reading Magic." Hosted by Best Selling author Tori Hartman, it features 18 Card Reading Masters such as Colette Baron-Reid, and Judith Orloff. In this FREE virtual event, you'll experience insider techniques, keys to success, and formulas for getting more accurate readings. Sign up NOW. more

Meditation for the Highly Sensitive Person - Nearly 20% of the population is Highly Sensitive and struggle daily with being overwhelmed by the constant barrage of sensory and energetic stimulation in today's modern world. Now Madisyn Taylor of DailyOM has created this supportive and calming guided meditation, specifically recorded for people that are Highly Sensitive. Being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) herself, Madisyn has created this unique 34 minute listening experience that starts with a long, safe relaxation session, followed by a sequence of positive thoughts and affirmations specially designed to help the brain of sensitive person know that all is well, and concluding with useful tips on how to navigate being highly sensitive in this world. more

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