Saturday, October 31, 2015

Find Your Soul Purpose through the Akashics

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October 31, 2015
Find Your Soul Purpose through the Akashics
Find Your Soul Purpose through the Akashics

by Teri Uktena

The following is an excerpt from the "Find Your Soul Purpose through the Akashics" on-line course. If you would like to enroll in the course, click here.

The Akashics is a name derived from the Sanskrit word Akasha and it refers to the base substance of the universe. This is the substance by which the Universe is made and that retains a record of all that has ever occurred to everything that has ever existed. Scientists in various fields are beginning to find evidence that confirms the existence of Akasha and are beginning to see it as a 'field' as omni present as gravity and he electro-magnetic field. It is currently discussed in the various scientific communities as the 'in-formation' field that underlies everything and is the force that holds all things together.

Long before the scientific method gave us tools to learn about our world, indigenous cultures on every continent knew of its existence. Medicine elders, mystics, shamans, gurus, druids, and all types of holy people spent a great deal of their time and resources attempting to reach it consciously, to channel the information and energy they experience there, and to bring back the wisdom that they have acquired through their travels. Each in their own way have done so, bringing healing, insight and a better life to all who have known them, read or heard about them.

While science currently sees the Akashics as a field of information to be studied, people experience the Akashics as a place, a multifaceted realm that can be traveled to and explored. In that ream is the Library where the records of all things are kept including each individual's personal Soul Book. This book is the history of everything your soul has ever done and the plans for it during this lifetime. This book can be read in order to receive further understanding of who you are today and the purposes and goals your soul has set for you. There are also books for businesses, geographical places, buildings, and much, much more.

In the Akashics reside souls which are not currently experiencing embodied life, spirits which work within the Akashics and guides which aid people in their embodied lives. It is a place where you can be introduced consciously to the guides who are assigned to help you throughout your life or for specific projects or the time periods and interact with them. You may communicate with them directly and learn how they can communicate with you.

In the past 100 years, as our world has moved closer to a new age, more and more people have begun to experience heightened awareness of the connectedness of all things, the earth, politics, and personal interactions. More have felt a calling to seek out ways in which to improve their lives and the lives of those around them. Many talented people have found that they can reach the Akashics and 'read' the information there in order to help others, the most renowned of which being Edgar Cayce. Hundreds have become readers and have helped thousands to learn more about themselves and how to be their best and highest selves.

Now in the Twenty-First Century the Akashics are no longer for the few, but are open to everyone who seeks to find the answers to their questions and to act on what they find. In fact, what most people don't know is that they have always been open to everyone. Every living human being accesses the Akashics naturally while they are sleeping. Those dreams that seem just a bit more real and coherent than the others, where you are talking to someone you know but don't recognize their face, that's the Akashics. You were there. That dream where you are your happiest in that special place where the world is perfect? That's you in the Akashics. That dream where you wake up having figured out the answer to that nagging question magically out of now where? Yep, that's the Akashics too. You're a natural. You're in.

This is in part because of your soul. Many people have taken in the message that our souls are some mystical 'thing' that is important but separate from our physical selves and daily lives, when the reality is quite different. Our souls give us life and make us unique. Our bodies, our emotions, our intellect are all manifestations of our soul in relationship with the world around us and all other things. We are in an ongoing conversation with 'all that is' and this is reflected in how we live in the world. However, souls are not small things that hover in our chests or hide at the base of our skulls or live in a nebulous cloud throughout our bodies. Each individual soul is very large and only a small portion of each soul resides in a person. The remainder of the soul remains on the spiritual plane that includes the Akashics.

Imagine if you will a rubber band being stretched in your hands. One part is in your left hand and the other is in your right. If you look at only one hand you could perceive that the rubber band resides only there. But if you look at both you can see that it is all connected and if you move your hands closer together the rubber band relaxes and you are able to easily see that it is one thing. Souls are much like this. When you are in conscious connection with the Akashics your soul moves toward wholeness and you are able receive the benefits of that which can and do include wisdom, healing, empowerment, and knowledge, among others.

There are a multitude of experiences that one can have in the Akashics, too many to number here. The purpose of this class is specifically for you to learn how to access the Akashics in order to read your own Soul book. You will also meet your own guides or those guides who wish to work with you during this process. Reading your Soul book will give you the ability to learn why you are here, what the meaning of your life has been so far, what challenges you are here to work through, what expectations you have for yourself, what are your gifts and abilities, what you are to learn, and who you wanted to become. Among many, many other things! As many questions as you can imagine, there are responses and support in your Soul book.

There are some things that the Akashics are not. They are not a means to see your future. Because each individual has free will, the future cannot be determined. We have the right to choose each action that we take and this makes the future a woven fabric which we are actively weaving each day of our lives, in each moment. Nothing is pre-determined conclusively.

Also, your guides and your Soul book will almost never give 'yes' or 'no', 'right' or 'wrong' answers. As the purpose of your life is to make choices, make mistakes, learn and grow and most of all experience life, the Akashics and your guides will never state definitively what you should choose. Aggravating as it is, they will only lay out the options and opportunities and help you see the end results each choice might bring.

The Akashics is not a place to try and influence others. Unless you have permission from the other person you will not be allowed to see anyone else's book or to leave them messages or interact with them. The Akashics is a place for personal growth and healing which can help you understand a relationship, for instance, or a tendency you have for picking a specific type of partner, but it will not aid you in interfering directly in the choices you have made or in the choices or lives of others.

So, with all of that said, it's time now to prepare for your own personal adventure in working with the Akashics. Firstly, there are a variety of ways in which people interpret their experiences in the Akashics. No way is better than any other and each is geared to give you the best experience that matches your unique style and gifts.

• Some people tend towards visual imagery and so will see images like still photos, either black or white or color, or they will experience information as if they are seeing a movie play before them. Sometimes they will feel like they are in the movie or in a video game.

• Others are strongest at hearing. They will hear information, but have no pictures to go with the sound. Most often they hear voices, ambient sounds while seeing random colors or some kind of holding pattern.

• And still others are more tactile and so they receive physical sensations or emotions while receiving information directly into their memories. During or after being in the Akashics a partner can ask them pertinent questions such as what their book looked like, what room they were in, or who they interacted with and they will be able to tell you, although their experience of the event was purely tactile.

The first step to traveling to the Akashics is learning how you perceive in the Akashic realm. To do this, let's go through a simple meditation. Make sure that you have paper and a pen or pencil ready, as you will want to write down your results.

Beginning Meditation

• Find a place where you will not be disturbed.

• Sit comfortably in a chair or on the floor making sure that you do not have either your legs or arms crossed.

• Take three deep breaths to calm yourself.

• Close your eyes.

• Feel your body relaxing from the center of your being outward, through your chest, through your arms to your hands, up your back, through your neck and jaw. Relax your face, relax your eyes. Let the relaxation radiate through your pelvis and down your legs until it reaches the very tips of your toes.

• Now that you are relaxed imagine you see a doorway in front of you. Move through that doorway into a room. The room is pleasant and open. At the other end of the room is something sitting, waiting patiently. Move forward and you will see that it is an animal. It is loving and patient and there only for you. Walk up to the animal, touch it gently if you wish, acknowledge it and let it acknowledge you.

• When you are ready, you will see that the animal is sitting in front of another doorway. Open the door and follow your animal through it. Look all around you. See that you are in the most beautiful, loving, wonderful place you can imagine. A place where you feel your best and where everything is perfect and just for you. Look at everything around you. See all the colors; hear all the sounds as they float around you. Feel what it is like to be in this space. Feel it in your body and let your mind know that you are there.

• At your feet there is an object. It is specifically for you. Pick it up and hold it. Feel it in your hand. Look at it closely. Note the color, shape, and weight of it. Hold it to your chest and know that it is specifically for you and that it has great meaning for you. It will always be there when you need it and you can come back to this place at any time.

• Place the object back on the ground. Take one last look around you at everything and let a feeling of peace and contentment settle over you.

• Turn and follow your animal back through the doorway. You are now back in your room. Thank your animal for journeying with you. They will always be there when you need them and you can come to the room at any time you wish. Walk back through the room to the further door and back to your body.

• Take three deep breaths and as you breathe begin to wiggle your toes and your fingers. Take note of the sounds in the room around you.

• Open your eyes.

After the meditation

How you experience this meditation is most likely how you will experience the Akashics. If you were able to see then you will see in the Akashics. If you were able to hear but not see clearly or at all then that will be our experience and more than likely you will want to work with a guide to have them read your book to you or request that the book be and audio book in your case. The information can be provided in any form. If you had tactile sensations then while writing notes about the experience you should note that you are 'remembering' quite a bit more than you noted while you were having the experience. Trust that what you are writing down is true. For those who are tactile it is sometimes helpful to have a partner during and after the visit that can ask probing questions. This will help you assimilate the information more in real time and can help provide more insight into what you are experiencing.

I recommend working with this meditation daily throughout this week. Journal your experiences to see your progress. Each meditation will be unique and provide you insights into yourself and the world around you.

For more information visit:
> Find Your Soul Purpose through the Akashics


DailyOM Course Spotlight

A Year of Guided Meditations
by Dudley & Dean Evenson

A Year of Guided Meditations is a series of 52 guided meditations featuring profoundly positive principles and ways of becoming your highest self. Every week for a year, you will receive a new guided meditation spoken in a soothing voice along with a beautiful musical background and stunning video images of a nature. These high-powered "Be-Attitudes" are ideals and values to strive for. Each meditation is about a minute long and is spoken in the "I AM" tense with the understanding that as you repeat it or internally absorb it along with the spoken word, you are coming that much closer to actualizing the idea within you, in the present tense, at this moment. By speaking as if you are already embodying the principle, you are not waiting for it to manifest at a future time and it can truly manifest within you - in the Now.

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6. A Year to Clear What is Holding You Back!
7. How to Read the Signs Sent to Guide You
8. Become a Spiritual Psychic in 28 Days
9. Psychic Development through the Chakras
10. How to Hear What the Universe is Saying

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    Cancer Horoscope: Daring and Confident

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    October 31, 2015
    Daring and Confident
    Cancer Daily Horoscope

    You may be feeling self-assured today, which could make you more willing to take risks. Stepping out of your comfort zone can offer a sense of daring to any venture. And when you find success on the other side of the risk, your confidence will grow. There is no need for worry about arrogance, because we know that we are not creating success by ourselves. As co-creators, we can congratulate ourselves for our part in the creation, but also for being attuned to the rhythm of the universe. We are also grateful for energy flow that carried us to the point where we experienced success, and we do our best not to fight against the current in the future. It is a balancing act, but today by blending self-assurance with confidence in the universe and its laws, you can make the most of any endeavor.

    There are also going to be times when risks don't pay off as we had hoped. At these times we can look for the lessons in the situation that enable us to grow. Any hero's journey involves overcoming challenges and rising to the occasion. Without adversity to overcome there would be no need for the heroes within us. Even being willing to face risks is heroic in itself, so today when you step beyond the known and comfortable into the unknown, remember how daring you are and let that give you the confidence to continue moving forward.

    DailyOM Course Spotlight

    A Year of Guided Meditations
    by Dudley & Dean Evenson

    A Year of Guided Meditations is a series of 52 guided meditations featuring profoundly positive principles and ways of becoming your highest self. Every week for a year, you will receive a new guided meditation spoken in a soothing voice along with a beautiful musical background and stunning video images of a nature. These high-powered "Be-Attitudes" are ideals and values to strive for. Each meditation is about a minute long and is spoken in the "I AM" tense with the understanding that as you repeat it or internally absorb it along with the spoken word, you are coming that much closer to actualizing the idea within you, in the present tense, at this moment. By speaking as if you are already embodying the principle, you are not waiting for it to manifest at a future time and it can truly manifest within you - in the Now.

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    Top 10 DailyOM Courses:

    1. Overcoming Self-Sabotage
    2. How to Work with the Spirit World
    3. Transform Your Life with Reiki
    4. Shape Shift to Your Best Body Ever
    5. How to Quiet the Mind
    6. A Year to Clear What is Holding You Back!
    7. How to Read the Signs Sent to Guide You
    8. Become a Spiritual Psychic in 28 Days
    9. Psychic Development through the Chakras
    10. How to Hear What the Universe is Saying

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    Friday, October 30, 2015


    Today's DailyOM brought to you by:
    Heal Yourself with Writing

    October 30, 2015
    Vibrational Imprints

    by Madisyn Taylor

    Like you, the objects you encounter have stories to tell as the previous owners have left their vibrational imprint.

    Because our bodies exude energy, we leave behind a vibrational imprint each time we touch or live in close proximity to an object. These imprints, which may be positive or negative memories, emotions, or impressions, can become part of the history of an item. Like you, the objects you encounter have stories to tell. Psychometry is the natural art of reading an object's history in regard to the people and events it has encountered. The objects we associate with are by no means silent bystanders. A house in which a tragedy has occurred may feel cold or silent, while handling a much loved toy may make you feel good. It is widely believed that all human beings possess psychometric abilities. All objects vibrate at specific frequencies, and psychometry asks only that one tune in to those frequencies.

    It is common to learn the art of psychometry by using items such as jewelry or a watch, because these objects spend much of their time in close physical proximity to its owners. Information sensed using psychometry usually has to do with an object's owner and may be related to a location, a feeling, or an event. Emotions tend to be easier to sense, though it can take time and diligence to perfect your psychometric talents. To exercise your psychometric skills, relax and sit in a quiet place with your palms facing upward. Have a friend place one of their treasured possessions in your nondominant hand. Let your mind wander until you receive any impressions. Finally, relate what you have seen, heard, or felt.

    By simply by holding an object in your hand or putting it to your forehead, you can sense an object's past and vicariously experience the emotions, sounds, tastes, scents, or images that have transpired around it thus far. While psychometry is most often performed on small objects intimately connected to its owners, it is possible for humans to leave an imprint on a large object like a home or automobile and to receive impressions from these objects. Once you know an object's story, you can release it of its memories or marvel at the wealth of information cradled within.

    DailyOM Course Spotlight

    How to Fire Up Your Chakras
    by Harriette Knight

    This engaging and life changing eight week course by Harriette Knight, author of CHAKRA POWER! How to Fire Up Your Energy Centers to Live a Fuller Life, offers numerous tips, tools, and exercises that will change your life immediately! Whether you are a beginner or an experienced metaphysician, you will learn about the chakras and so much more. Find out what the chakras do, and how they affect every aspect of your life as you learn how to feel happier, healthier, more balanced, and intuitive. This course is chock full of information, videos, personal accounts, meditations, and exercises that speak directly to you. With Harriette, you will be guided to open your heart and your mind, and have a whole lot of fun. If you were looking for something that is easy to understand, interactive, and life changing, this could be exactly what you were waiting for.

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    Top 10 DailyOM Courses:

    1. Overcoming Self-Sabotage
    2. How to Work with the Spirit World
    3. Transform Your Life with Reiki
    4. Shape Shift to Your Best Body Ever
    5. How to Read the Signs Sent to Guide You
    6. How to Quiet the Mind
    7. A Year to Clear What is Holding You Back!
    8. Become a Spiritual Psychic in 28 Days
    9. 21 Day Yoga Body!
    10. How to Hear What the Universe is Saying

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