Wednesday, September 24, 2014

DailyOM: Poetry in Motion

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September 24, 2014
Poetry in Motion
Moving Our Body

by Madisyn Taylor

Human bodies love flow and movement and respond in kind when used in this way.

Our bodies love movement. When we stretch or dance, our bodies adjust, realign and start to become fluid with the rhythm of life. Our mood lifts and we feel more connected with the world around us. If you are feeling stuck, ready to release old energy, or eager to feel more alive, try moving your body. By giving your muscles a chance to do what they were created for, you may find that all areas of your body and your life benefit as well.

Many times we can be so busy that we forget moving our body is even an option. Some of us remain seated at our computer for hours every day or rush from task to task with robotic precision. When we are caught up in crossing items off our to-do lists, we tend to neglect all the opportunities there are to enjoy our bodies in the process of living. If this is true for you, begin looking for opportunities to move. You might try dancing or moving about freely as you clean your home, tend your garden or care for your children. If you are able to devote a set amount of time to self-care, practices such as yoga, dance, tai chi and walking are all great ways to keep your body in motion.

Imagine how freeing it would feel to trust your body's movements completely, knowing it has a perfect strength and rhythm of its own. See if you can sense your bones providing graceful support, your muscles and tendons expanding and contracting in just the right measure, your lungs changing pace to fill deeply with fresh air. Movement is a vital celebration of life. It is a way to proclaim your own existence and relish in the joy of being alive. Today, and into the future, give yourself the gift of your body in motion.

DailyOM Course Spotlight

Falling in Love with Yourself
by Mother Mary as channeled by Danielle Gibbons

Mother Mary has often said to those who seek Her, "If you knew yourself as I know you, you could not help but fall in love with yourself." As spiritual seekers we are told often to love ourselves. But the exact details of how to do that can be elusive. Why do we still struggle with self punishing habits after trying so hard to change? What we need is an ally. Mother Mary's teachings are based in absolute love and devotion to humanity. She brings to each teaching the unconditional love and acceptance we all seek as human beings. Mother teaches that we are divine because we are human, not in spite of it. By saying yes to this course, you give Mother Mary permission to awaken this knowing in you, at whatever level your soul desires. As a result, you will experience Her teachings as unique, powerful, and practical. Throughout this course She will suggest actions to take that are simple yet profound in their ability to transform. Some include specific writing exercises, active me! ditations, new ways of looking at yourself and things to do out in the world.

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  Moving Our Body

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