Thursday, September 11, 2014

DailyOM: Acceptance as Giving

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September 11, 2014
Acceptance as Giving
Allowing Ourselves to Receive

by Madisyn Taylor

By allowing ourselves to receive we are given the gift of seeing through another person's eyes.

Giving and receiving are part of the same cycle, and we each give and receive in our own ways. But we can lose our balance when we try to be too controlling on either side of the cycle. On the receiving end, we may feel that we don't deserve the effort made if what we gave was easy for us to give. But perhaps there is a different lesson there for us. We may be receiving not only gratitude, but a chance to see the world through the eyes of another. We may be learning that just because we gave easily, it doesn't diminish its value. Or perhaps the universe is giving us an example to hold close to our hearts, to encourage us on some future day when our own generous act of giving is not met with a visible act of receiving. When we can allow ourselves to receive as well as give, we do our part to keep the channels of abundance open for ourselves and others.

Sometimes we may find ourselves struggling to respond to others' gifts in the same ways—like responding to an expensive present with something equally expensive, or feeling like we have to throw a dinner party for someone who has thrown one for us. But when these are done out of a sense of obligation, their energy changes from something that shares to something that drains. If this sounds familiar, we can decide next time to allow ourselves to receive with arms, minds and hearts open and simply say thank you.

Accepting a person's gift is a gift in itself. Sincere appreciation for their acknowledgement and their effort joins our energy with theirs in the cycle of giving and receiving, and nurtures all involved. If ever we find we are still having difficulty, we can decide to allow ourselves to be conduits for gratitude and accept on behalf of a loving, giving universe.

DailyOM Course Spotlight

Overcoming Fear
by Debbie Ford

How many times have you felt yourself shrink? How many times have you made yourself small enough to fit into some role? How many times have you kept your mouth shut when you wanted to speak out or handed over your power to someone who didn't have your best interests at heart? Fear is built into our human operating system. It is a useful emotion that has gone seriously awry. Fear can make us choose what we believe will keep us safe even when the opposite is true. It can make us believe that we can't do it, we are wrong, the cost is too high, the path ahead too difficult. Fear disguises itself with the voice of certainty, filling us with worry, doubt, and even dread. Fear is a very real emotion that can render us powerless. This 8 week course contains powerful lessons every 4 days that includes specific information about how to overcome fear, ignite self-confidence and embody courage. There is a new audio guided meditation with each lesson to help you directly access your inne! r wisdom, resulting in tangible action steps to help you take the steps to living a courageous life.

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  Allowing Ourselves to Receive

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